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Project grants for joint research teams from UW and WIM-PIB

Category: IV.3.1

The call for projects for joint research teams from the University of Warsaw and the Military Institute of Medicine, National Research Institute is open until 16.08.2024.

Applicants – at least one representative from UW and one from WIM-PIB) – fulfilling the requirements described in the Competition rules may apply for an amount of up to 100 000 PLN (from the funds of IDUB UW and WIM-PIB in a 50/50 proportion). Funds from the total pool of 600 000 PLN (300 000 PLN funded from IDUB UW funds and 300 000 PLN – from WIM-PIB funds) will be available for:

  • support for research teams from UW and WIM-PIB, whose work will strengthen the long-term cooperation of both institutions;
  • support for teams implementing research projects with great potential for obtaining external grants for further research funding and/or joint publication, contributing, inter alia, to improve the evaluation indicators of WIM-PIB, UW and the IDUB UW programme;
  • support for teams implementing research projects, the results of which will respond to significant social challenges.

Competition rules