Second edition of the UW Academy of Science Communication launches

23 01 2025
The first training courses of the second edition of the Academy of Science Communication are starting already in February 2025. It is a training programme aimed at academics that responds to the growing need to develop competences in scientific communication, cooperation with the media and public speaking, with an emphasis on building a positive image of scientists in the public space.
The training will run from February to the end of May 2025. The programme includes, among others, training on:
- Public speaking – the ability to present yourself and your achievements at scientific conferences and other events,
- Storytelling – how to effectively communicate research results in an engaging way,
- Building an expert role in the media – how to act as an expert and communicate effectively with media representatives,
- Vocal emission – the correct use of voice during public speaking
- Media image creation – building a coherent and professional image in the media space.
In addition, programme participants will have the opportunity to benefit from one-to-one meetings with experts:
- Learning in front of the camera – how to speak intelligibly, attractively and effectively (TV Studio of the Faculty of Journalism, Information and Book Studies, UW),
- Radio speaking workshops – acquiring the competence to popularise science on the radio (Academic Radio Kampus),
- Cooperation with the media – establishing and maintaining effective relations with the media.
The presenters will include recognised experts and practitioners in science and media communication.
The Academy of Science Communication 2025 is implemented by the Section for the Development of Academic Staff Competencies in the Human Resources Office and the Center for Cooperation and Dialogue. The programme is funded by the “Excellence Initiative – Research University” Programme.
Academic staff employed at the University of Warsaw will be eligible to participate in the training, after correct registration, in the first instance. For further information, please contact the person responsible for the programme on the side of the Human Resources Office, Małgorzata Kaczyńska, MA, at: