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I.1.1 / IV.1.1. Mentoring Programme – edition 1, call 2

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Call for competition

  • Name of the competition: Competition for Action I.1.1/IV.1.1. Mentoring Programme
  • Objective: to select on-site mentoring visits for co-financing, during which cooperation will be established or strengthened with scientists/mentors, who have been chosen by a team from the University of Warsaw
  • Applicant: a team from the UW represented by a leader, selected from among the team members, who then submits an application on behalf of the team for co-financing a mentor’s visit; the research team is composed of at least two research or research and teaching staff of the UW, holding at least a doctoral degree, included in N number; the team members may also be UW employees, doctoral students of the UW and UW students
  • Date of competition announcement: 11.03.2022
  • Start date for the call for proposals: 11.03.2022
  • Closing date for the call for proposals: 20.04.2022 13.05.2022, 16:00
  • Budget per mentoring visit: may not exceed 16,000.00 PLN
  • Duration of a single mentoring visit: no longer than 30 April 2023
  • How to apply: only electronically to the following address konkursy.idub@uw.edu.pl
Competition rulesNominating CommitteesCompetition results
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Nominating Committee for POB I

  1. prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Spalik – Faculty of Biology, Chairperson of the Team,
  2. prof. dr hab. Michał K. Cyrański – Faculty of Chemistry,
  3. prof. dr hab. Paweł Golik – Faculty of Biology,
  4. dr Agata Królikowska – Faculty of Chemistry,
  5. mgr Eliza Rogowska-Lasocka – Research Services Office, Action I.1.1/IV.1.1 Coordinator.

Nominating Committee for POB II

  1. dr hab. Tomasz Kazimierczuk – Faculty of Physics, Chairperson of the Team,
  2. prof. dr hab. Konrad Banaszek – Centre of New Technologies,
  3. prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Rusek – Heavy lon Laboratory,
  4. prof. dr hab. Sławomir Sęk – Faculty of Chemistry,
  5. mgr Eliza Rogowska-Lasocka – Research Services Office, Action I.1.1/IV.1.1 Coordinator.

Nominating Committee for POB IV

  1. dr hab. Dominika Oramus, prof. ucz. – Faculty of Modern Languages, Chairperson of the Team,
  2. dr hab. Jacek Rzepka, prof. ucz. – Faculty of History,
  3. dr hab. Dawid M. Osiński – Faculty of Polish Studies,
  4. dr hab. Robert A. Sucharski, prof. ucz. – Faculty of “Artes Liberales”,
  5. mgr Eliza Rogowska-Lasocka – Research Services Office, Action I.1.1/IV.1.1 Coordinator.

Nominating Committee for POB V

  1. dr hab. Paweł Kaczmarczyk, prof. ucz. – Centre of Migration Research, Chairperson of the Team;
  2. dr hab. Kamil Imbir, prof. ucz. – Faculty of Psychology,
  3. dr hab. Renata Włoch, prof. ucz. – Faculty of Sociology,
  4. prof. dr hab. Tomasz Zarycki – Robert Zajonc Institute for Social Studies,
  5. mgr Eliza Rogowska-Lasocka – Research Services Office, Action I.1.1/IV.1.1 Coordinator.

track 1 – POB I: Science for the Planet

Title of the proposal: Ovule packaging strategy in zoogamous angiosperms
Name of mentor: prof. Robert R. Junker, University of Marburg, Germany
Project manager: prof. dr hab. Marcin Zych
Unit of UW hosting the mentor: Faculty of Biology
Allocated funds: 7 500 PLN

Title of the proposal: Biodiversity across scales – boosting Polish biodiversity research with integration of molecular data and development of data sharing protocols
Name of mentor: dr Urmas Kõljalg, University of Tartu, Estonia
Project manager: dr Julia Pawłowska
Unit of UW hosting the mentor: Faculty of Biology
Allocated funds: 10 200 PLN

Title of the proposal: Theoretical Studies of Atmospheric Processes
Name of mentor: dr Jun-Ichi Yano, Centre National de Recherches Météorologiques, UMR3589 (CNRS) Toulouse
Project manager: prof. dr hab. Szymon Malinowski
Unit of UW hosting the mentor: Wydział Fizyki
Allocated funds: 8 800 PLN

Title of the proposal: Genome mining: analysis of two newly described cyanobacterial genera and species, Amphirytos necridicus i Hillbrichtia pamiria
Name of mentor: dr Spyros Gkelis, Aristotle Univeristy of Thessaloniki
Project manager: dr hab. Iwona Jasser, prof. ucz.
Unit of UW hosting the mentor: Wydział Biologii
Allocated funds: 15 200 PLN

track 2 – POB II: Beyond Micro and Macro Worlds

Title of the proposal: Using Light to Study Complex Biological Environments: A Rational Multiscale Approach
Name of mentor: dr doc. Stefan Knippenberg, Hasselt University, Belgia
Project manager: dr Silvio Osella
Unit of UW hosting the mentor: Centre of New Technologies
Allocated funds: 15 340 PLN

track 4 – POB IV: The Humanities: Crossing Borders, Extending Capabilities

Title of the proposal: Na skrzydłach rewolucji – zastosowanie georadaru na bezzałogowych statkach latających w badaniach archeologicznych
Name of mentor: prof. Martina Seifert, University of Hamburg
Project manager: dr Łukasz Miszk
Unit of UW hosting the mentor: Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology
Allocated funds:
8 650 PLN

Title of the proposal: Bayesian modelling of isotopic data in archaeology
Name of mentor: dr Ricardo Fernandes, Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History
Project manager: dr hab. Arkadiusz Sołtysiak
Unit of UW hosting the mentor: Faculty of Archeology
Allocated funds:
8 400 PLN

Title of the proposal: Visions of African history
Name of mentor: prof. Wolbert G.C. Smidt, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
Project manager: dr hab. Hanna Rubinkowska-Anioł, prof. UW
Unit of UW hosting the mentor: Faculty of Oriental Studies
Allocated funds:
12 928 PLN

track 5 – POB V: Responding to Global Challenges

Title of the proposal: Digital media in grassroots activity. Methodological and theoretical aspects of the relationship between digitality and politicality
Name of mentor: prof. Alice Mattoni, University of Bologna
Project manager: dr hab. Renata Włoch, prof. ucz., Faculty of Sociology
Unit of UW hosting the mentor: DELab
Allocated funds: 10 850 PLN

Title of the proposal: Challenges for the Common Market of the European Union
Name of mentor: prof. Catherine Barnard, University of Cambridge
Project manager: prof. dr hab. Robert Grzeszczak, Centre for Research on European Institutional Design, Faculty of Law and Administration
Unit of UW hosting the mentor: Faculty of Law and Administration
Allocated funds: 15 150 PLN

Title of the proposal: Local government and its politics in the EU multi-level system
Name of mentor: prof. Hubert Heinelt, Technische Universität Darmstad
Project manager: dr hab. Marta Lackowska, prof. ucz., Department of Local Development and Policy of the WGiSR UW, Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies
Unit of UW hosting the mentor: Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies
Allocated funds: 14 700 PLN

Title of the proposal: Early linguistic develpoment of Vietnamese children living in Poland. Assessment of Risk of Development Language Disorder in bilingual Vietnamese populations
Name of mentor: prof. Giang T. Pham, San Diego State University
Project manager: dr Aneta Miękisz, Department of Cognitive Psychology and Neurocognitives Studies, Faculty of Psychology
Unit of UW hosting the mentor: Faculty of Psychology
Allocated funds: 11 600 PLN

Title of the proposal: From collection to connection? The paradigm shift in the functions of GLAM sector institutions
Name of mentor: prof. Nanna Kann-Rasmussen, University of Copenhagen
Project manager: dr hab. Małgorzata Kisilowska-Szurmińska, prof. ucz, Department of Studies on Library and Other Cultural Institutions, Faculty of Journalism, Information and Book Studies
Unit of UW hosting the mentor: Faculty of Journalism, Information and Book Studies
Allocated funds: 6 950 PLN

The following persons withdrew from the evaluation of all proposals for POB V: dr hab. Renata Włoch, prof. ucz.

We would also like to inform you that for

  • track 3 – POB III: The Challenge of Petabytes

no application for funding for the mentoring visit was submitted.