I.1.4/IV.2.1. Implementation of the financing programme for projects submitted to IF MSCA competitions within the EC initiative “Seal of Excellence” – call in 2023
This competition has ended. Go to the parent page, to check the current competition.
The implementation of Action I.1.4 will ensure the realisation of research projects recognised in terms of their merit by independent experts and selected by the European Commission within the framework of the call for Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships in Horizon 2020 and their counterpart, i.e., the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowsh in the Horizon Europe Programme. By carrying out this activity, the University of Warsaw supports its employees’ research projects which obtained at least 85% of the maximum number of points specified in the call conditions as part of the international proposal evaluation procedure, and the so-called Seal of Excellence (SoE), but which were not financed by the Horizon Europe Programme budget due to a lack of funds.
In the current IDUB call, researchers from the University of Warsaw who received the Seal of Excellence from the European Commission as part of the HORIZON-MSCA-2022-PF-01 call that closed on 14 September 2022 will be able to apply for funds for the implementation of their research projects. IDUB plans to finance up to three such projects per year.
If the assumed limit of support for the outgoing mobility of UW researchers within Action I.1.4 is not used in a given year, funding may be granted for the implementation of a research project by a researcher from abroad at the University of Warsaw (inbound mobility), who received the SoE in the HORIZON-MSCA-2022-PF-01 call, provided that he/she unsuccessfully applied to NAWA for such a support in the framework of the Ulam – Seal of Excellence Programme.
Call for applications
- Name: financing of projects submitted in reply to the calls under the Horizon Europe MSCA Individual Outgoing Fellowships within the framework of the European Commission’s “Seal of Excellence” Initiative — IDUB call for applications 2023: MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships 2022 calls (HORIZON-MSCA-2022-PF-01)
- Objective: the Action supports research projects that have obtained at least 85% of the maximum number of points specified in the competition conditions under the international application evaluation procedure, as well as the so-called “Seal of Excellence” (SoE), and which were not financed from the Horizon 2020 Program budget due to lack of funds.
- Applicant: an UW employee who fulfils the requirements indicated in the current “Call rules”
- Competition announcement date: 16.10.2023
- Starting date of the call for applications: 16.10.2023
- End date of the call for applications: 31.10.2023
- Announcement of the results: no later than 08.12.2023 (this deadline may be extended in the event of a large number of applications)
- Form of submitting applications: only in electronic form, to the address konkursy.idub@uw.edu.pl
Call rules for implementing the financing of projects submitted in reply to the calls under the Horizon Europe MSCA Individual Outgoing Fellowships within the framework of the European Commission’s “Seal of Excellence” Initiative
Call for applications 2023 – MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships 2022 calls
Competition results
On the basis of the recommendation of the Selection Committee established to evaluate applications submitted in the competition under the Action I.1.4/IV.2.1. “Implementation of the financing programme for projects submitted to IF MSCA competitions within the EC initiative «Seal of Excellence»” funding has been granted to the following research project:
- Paradigm Shift towards Sustainability: Integrating European GREEN Deal Policy in EU State AID system GREENAID, at a foreign research center – Universutà degli Studi di Torino (University of Turin), Italy, by dr Magdalena Porzeżyńska from the Faculty of Law and Administration (co-financing amounting to 718 238,50 zł).