I.3.10. Preparation and launching of an interdisciplinary research and teaching project Archeooriental Studies – Small Archeooriental Studies, 2nd edition
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Call for competition
- Name: Small Archeooriental Studies
- Objective: support for research projects at the intersection between oriental studies and archeology. We invite research teams in which at least one person is researching archeology and at least one is researching Asian or African cultures may apply for funding. At least one person in the team must be: employed in a research, teaching and research, or research and technical position, counted among the N-classified staff or a doctoral candidate at the University of Warsaw conducting research in the indicated areas. An orientalist-archaeological partnership is a prerequisite; projects that do not contain information about archaeological-orientalist collaboration will not be considered. We recommend consulting with the coordinator of the activity before applying
- Applicant: employees and doctoral students at the University of Warsaw who are involved in research activities and who affiliate their publications in PBN with UW
- Competition announcement date: 27.09.2022
- Starting date of the call for applications: 01.10.2022
- End date of the call for applications: 30.10.2022
- Announcement of the results: no later than 10.11.2022
- Competition budget: 60,000 PLN
- The deadline for the implementation of projects that receive funding: by 30 October 2023
- Form of submitting applications: only in electronic form, to the address archeoorientalistyka@uw.edu.pl; using a University email address; the application form is attached as Annex 2 to the Rules for the competition
Competition rules
§ 1
The subject of the competition
- Funds for the implementation of projects under Action I.3.10 – “Preparation and launching of an interdisciplinary research and teaching project Archeooriental Studies” (hereinafter “Action”) as part of the “Excellence Initiative – Research University” Programme (hereinafter “IDUB”) are intended to support activities that will measurably contribute to improved quality in research and publications, strengthening foreign contacts and the international position of the University of Warsaw.
- Projects may include:
- preliminary research aimed at preparing research projects (including grant applications);
- support in the preparation of publications (especially the costs of English-language proofreading);
- participation in international scientific conferences;
- visits by foreign researchers.
- The maximum duration of project implementation (no longer than 12 months) will be specified each time in the announcement of the competition.
- The maximum amount that can be applied for is 60,000 PLN.
§ 2
Applicants and applications for co-financing
- Teams in which at least one person is researching archeology and at least one is researching Asian or African cultures may apply for funding. At least one person in the team must be:
- employed at the University of Warsaw, counted among the N-classified staff or
- a doctoral candidate at the University of Warsaw conducting research in the indicated areas.
- Teams in which one of the persons performs managerial roles (coordinators, managers of Actions, contractors) in the IDUB program and members of the Selection Committee cannot apply for funding.
- A team of applicants may submit only one application in a given edition of the competition. If more than one application is submitted by the same team, none of those applications will be considered.
- The application may be submitted on behalf of a team by a person designated by that team to represent them (hereinafter referred to as the “Applicant”).
- Applications should be submitted using the attached form (Annex 2) by sending them to archeoorientalistyka@uw.edu.pl from a University email address.
- An application may be withdrawn by an Applicant at any time before the date of announcement of the competition results.
§ 3
Competition rules
- The scope of activities submitted for funding must be of a scientific nature and compliant with the scope of Action I.3.10 – Preparation and launching of an interdisciplinary research and teaching project “Archeooriental Studies” and the assumptions of POB IV (https://inicjatywadoskonalosci.uw.edu.pl/en/actions/areas/pob4/). All costs must be incurred during the project implementation. Funding for didactic and popularising activities is not planned.
- Applications for funding should be submitted in accordance with the example provided each time in the announcement, within the time allotted, and to the address provided in the announcement.
- The application should be approved by the head of the organisational unit of the University of Warsaw in which the project is to be implemented.
- The applications are assessed by the Selection Committee. The composition and formation procedure for the Selection Committee, as well as the set of rules on which its work is based are specified in Annex 1.
- The decision to grant funding is made by the Programme Manager, at the request of the Chairperson of the Selection Committee.
- Applicants shall be notified of the results of the competition within 30 days of the closing of the competition.
- The Applicant has the right to apply for reconsideration to the Programme Manager, only with regard to formal defects, within 7 days of the date of publication on the IDUB website of the list of projects approved for financing.
- A ranked list concerning the applications for which the Programme Manager granted funding is published on the IDUB website.
§ 4
Project Implementation
- The applicant is responsible for the implementation of the project in accordance with the provisions of the application for co-financing and in accordance with the principle of economy, i.e., in a purposeful and economical manner, leading at the same time to obtain the best results and to comply with the law and internal regulations of the University of Warsaw.
- The applicant is obliged to submit a substantive and financial report concerning the implementation of the project within 30 days of the date of its completion, according to the example given in the Annex. In the case of a publication, confirmation attached to the report of its submission to a publishing house will be the basis for settlement.
- The template for the report on the implementation of the project given in Annex 3.
§ 5
Final provisions
- In matters not covered by these Rules, the provisions of Ordinance No. 115 by the Rector of the University of Warsaw from 1 June 2020 on the implementation of the “Excellence Initiative – Research University” Programme at the University of Warsaw (UW Monitor 2020, item 246 as amended) and the provisions of generally applicable law.
- These Regulations come into force on the date of their announcement.
Annex 1.
I. Composition and formation procedure for the selection committee
- The selection committee is appointed by the IDUB Programme Manager at the request of the Coordinator of the Action.
- Researchers conducting research in the field of archaeology or oriental studies, holding at least a doctoral degree, and with scientific achievements documented by publications in reputable journals which are indexed in leading databases of scientific papers, may be appointed as members of the committee.
- The committee is chaired by the Coordinator of the Action.
- The Chairperson of the selection committee may exclude any member of said committee, in the event of reasonable doubts concerning his or her impartiality and objectivity, with respect to an applicant who is participating in the competition, and particularly if:
- the committee member is a spouse, relative, or in-law (up to the second degree) of the applicant;
- the committee member is related to a team member through adoption, custody, or guardianship;
- the committee member has an existing legal or factual relationship with a team member which may give rise to justifiable doubts as to the committee member’s impartiality.
- A committee member will inform the selection committee of any special circumstances such as those referred to in point 4 above, before beginning the evaluation process of the applications.
- A selection committee member who has been excluded from the evaluation process of a given applicant will not take part in scoring that person’s application and will leave the room during the deliberations of the committee. The exclusion of a member of the qualifying team during the scoring of a particular application will be noted in the minutes from the meeting, along with a statement of the reason for that committee member’s exclusion.
II. Rules of conduct for the selection committee
- Committee meetings are called by the Chairperson of the selection committee.
- The selection committee deliberates with at least 2/3 of the members’ number present. In the event of reasonable doubts regarding the impartiality and objectivity with regard to a selection committee member in relation to an applicant, the committee will deliberate with the member that the previously-mentioned circumstances concern excluded.
- The committee may deliberate with the use of electronic communication tools. Members may also participate in meetings via electronic means of communication (teleconference or videoconference). In this case, the provisions of Ordinance No. 94 of the Rector of the University of Warsaw from 12 May 2020, on the Rules for holding meetings of bodies and collegial entities of the University of Warsaw and other bodies, with the use of electronic communication tools (UW Monitor 2020, item 200).
- The Chairperson performs a formal evaluation of an application before it is given to the committee. The chairperson will call on the applicant to complete the application within 7 days of submitting the application. The Applicant has 7 days to complete the application. An application that does not meet the requirements specified in the competition notice will not be assessed.
- Each member of the Committee awards each application from 0 to 100 points, assessing:
- the scientific value of the project (50 points),
- compliance with the assumptions of the Action and IDUB (https://inicjatywadoskonalosci.uw.edu.pl/en/actions/areas/pob4/) (15 points),
- financial efficiency of the project, in particular a favourable proportion of financial outlays to the planned scientific results (15 points),
- project feasibility, considering the achievements of the Applicant to date (20 points).
- After the meeting, the committee draws up a ranking list based on the awarded points. The Chairperson of the committee creates a ranking list. The ranking list includes:
- the starting and finishing dates of the round of evaluation, the date of the list, the number of submitted applications;
- the number of the application’s position on the ranking list;
- the title of the project;
- the names and surnames of applicants;
- the final result of the application expressed in points;
- information on the amount applied for;
- information on the recommended amount;
- the threshold of points needed to qualify an application for funding.
- The committee’s score is the average of the scores given by individual members. Applications which received at least 70 of the points possible will be placed on the list. Applications with lower scores will not be eligible for funding. In the event that the funds allocated to the competition are not sufficient to cover all of the applications with more than 70% of the points possible, funds will be awarded in the order of their ranking.
- The committee may grant the full amount of funding to the applications from the ranked list or reduce it to no less than 60% of the funding requested.
- Administrative and technical support for the selection committee is provided by the Coordinator of Action III.
- The function of secretary of the selection committee is fulfilled by a member of the committee, appointed by the Coordinator of the Action.
- Minutes of the selection committee meetings are prepared by the secretary of the selection committee.
- Minutes from the selection committee meetings may be signed with signatures obtained by circulation, as well as electronic signatures. An accepted form of signature may be a confirmation submitted by University email (on the basis of Ordinance No. 279 of the Rector of the University of Warsaw from 10.12.2020).
- A copy of the minutes, signed by the Chairperson and the remaining members of the committee who took part in the meeting, will be forwarded to the Coordinating Office of IDUB for archiving, within 14 days of the closing date of the competition .
III. Information and recommendations for the selection committee
Examples of project categories
- short research internship (e.g., to complete an article or grant application);
- support for publications in leading journals and publishing houses (typesetting, proofreading, purchase of copyrights for illustrations);
- organisation of conferences, workshops, and seminars;
- participation in an international scientific conference, the result of which will be a highly scored publication;
- organisation of sessions as part of scientific conferences;
- visits by foreign researchers.
IV. Evaluation criteria for applications
Total score: 0-100 points (average of the ratings given by the committee members)
- scientific value of the project (50 points)
- outstanding (40-50)
- very high (30-39)
- high (20-29)
- average (10–19)
- poor (0–9)
- compliance with the assumptions of IDUB (https://inicjatywadoskonalosci.uw.edu.pl/en/actions/areas/pob4/) and the terms of the competition (15 points)
- outstanding (12–15)
- very good (9-11)
- good (6-8)
- average (3-5)
- poor (0-2)
- financial effectiveness of the project (scientific effect vs the expenditures) (15 points)
- outstanding (12–15)
- very good (9-11)
- good (6-8)
- average (3-5)
- poor (0-2)
- project feasibility in the context of the Applicant’s competences and achievements (20 points)*
- very high (16-20)
- high (12-15)
- good (8-11)
- average (4-7)
- poor (0-3)
* In 2022, considering the conditions resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic.
V. Eligible and ineligible costs
Ineligible costs
- costs of ensuring, creating, adjusting, or maintaining infrastructure;
- costs of hiring employees, remuneration for the project manager;
- expenses related to completing the application for funding;
- double-funded expenditures;
- expenses not included in the approved application for funding;
- expenditures incurred before the date of the funding award decision.
Eligible costs
Costs may be considered eligible if all of the following conditions are met:
- it was actually incurred during the period when the project was taking place;
- it complies with applicable laws;
- it has been included in the approved application;
- it is necessary and was incurred in relation to the implementation of the project;
- has been made in a transparent, rational, and effective manner;
- it has been duly documented;
- it was incurred in accordance with the provisions of Public Procurement Law;
- it was incurred in accordance with Art. 44 section 3 of the Public Finance Act;
- it is not an ineligible cost.
Eligible costs are those consistent with applicable accounting principles, the principles of sound financial management, and applied practices (accounting policy).
Annex 2. Application Form
- download (MS Word, < 1 MB)
Annex 3. Project implementation report template
- download (MS Word, < 1 MB)
By the decision of the Programme Manager, the following applications received funding:
- dr Joanna Ciesielska, Faculty of Oriental Studies „Keepers of Tradition: Communicating status via attire among Sudanese women”
- dr Dagmara Wielgosz-Rondolino, Faculty of Archeology „Zoara – od epoki brązu do okresu mameluków. Rozpoznanie stanowiska”