II.1.1. Mini-grants programme for inter-institutional research teams in the framework of strategic partnerships – 2nd edition
This competition has ended. Go to the parent page, to check the current competitions.
The implementation of this action is aimed at strengthening scientific and research cooperation of the University of Warsaw within the 4EU+ Alliance and other strategic partnerships. Research teams consisting of researchers from the University of Warsaw and at least one other university with which the University of Warsaw is engaged in active research cooperation will be able to apply for the mini-grants. The condition for obtaining financial support is to submit, within 12 months from receiving the mini-grant, a project application in one of the funding calls under EU research programmes or other programmes financing scientifically advanced research projects involving international consortia.
The aim of both the previous and the current edition of the mini-grant competition is to strengthen research cooperation between the University of Warsaw and the other member universities of the 4EU+ Alliance through the implementation of joint research projects in the four flagship programmes of the Alliance.
The first, pilot mini-grant competition was closed in July 2020 and aimed at inter-university teams of researchers from the University of Warsaw and other 4EU+ Alliance member universities conducting research within the thematic realm of Flagship 2 “Europe in a changing world: understanding societies, economies, cultures and languages”. The call which is currently open under Action II.1.1. aims to support research initiatives in all four Flagships of the Alliance.
Please note: For the previous and the current mini-grant call, a requirement is placed for the research teams to comprise at least three member universities of the 4EU+ Alliance, including the University of Warsaw.
Funding rules
- “Caregiver-child interactions and social-cognitive processing in typical and atypical development”, carried out by UW in cooperation Universities in Heidelberg and Copenhagen, University of Milan, and the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich as an external partner as part of Flagship 1, “Health and demographic change in an urban environment”; Project Manager: dr Agnieszka Pluta, Faculty of Psychology, UW.
- “Motherhood Studies Network”, carried out by UW with researchers from Charles University in Prague, and the University of Copenhagen as part of Flagship 2, “Europe in a changing world: Understanding and engaging societies, economies, cultures and languages”; Project Manager: dr hab. Justyna Wierzchowska, Faculty of Modern Languages, UW.
- “Social vulnerability to natural hazards and disaster risk reduction in Europe”, carried out by UW with researchers from Charles University in Prague, the University of Heidelberg, and the University of Milan (4EU+ Alliance members), with the University of Milano-Bicocca as an external partner, as part of Flagship 2, “Europe in a changing world: Understanding and engaging societies, economies, cultures and languages”; Project Manager: dr Dorota Rucińska, Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies, UW.
- “Transnational legal communication on Covid-19: from institutional to popular discourse”, carried out by UW with researchers from Charles University in Prague, and the University of Milan as part of Flagship 2, “Europe in a changing world: Understanding and engaging societies, economies, cultures and languages”; Project Manager: dr hab. Joanna Osiejewicz, Faculty of Applied Linguistics, UW.