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III.2.2. Advanced Master’s Degree Programme – programme for the individual organisation of studies – supplementary call

Call for competition

  • Name: the individual organisation of studies under Action III.2.2. Advanced Master’s Degree Programme – supplementary call
  • Objective: to improve the quality of education in the disciplines of computer science and mathematics by enabling the best second-cycle students in the fields of mathematics, Data Science and Business Analytics, Machine Learning and Informatics and Econometrics to study in the best possible and most stimulating conditions
  • Applicant: students of the first year of the second-cycle studies in mathematics, Data Science and Business Analytics, Machine Learning and Informatics and Econometrics
  • Competition announcement date: 09.04.2024
  • Starting date of the call for applications: 22.04.2024
  • End date of the call for applications: 09.05.2024
  • Announcement of first round results (invitation to interviews): 22.05.2024
  • Interviews: 27.05-06.06.2024
  • Announcement of the results: 10.06.2024
  • Limit of participants qualified for the AMD programme: 8 places to be allocated for four fields, limited to 5 places per field, taking into account the number of places already allocated in the basic recruitment procedure
  • Form of submitting applications: only in electronic form, to the address IDUBZSM@mimuw.edu.pl
Rules of the programmeSelection committeeResults

Rules of the programme for the individual organisation of studies

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  • dr Piotr Hofman, Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics – chairperson
  • dr hab. Piotr Wójcik, prof. ucz., Faculty of Economic Sciences
  • dr hab. Katarzyna Kopczewska, prof. ucz., Faculty of Economic Sciences
  • dr hab. Paweł Goldstein, Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics
  • dr Zuzanna Szymańska, Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computer Modelling
  • dr Jacek Cyranka, Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics

By the decision of the Programme Manager, the following applications received funding:

for the field: Mathematics

  • „Analiza Harmoniczna na Sferze Zespolonej: uogólnienie podejścia Burgaina” Adam Kaliński, Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics
  • „Opis ekwiwariantnego χy – rodzaju poprzez ekwiwariantną K-teorię hiperboliczną” Franciszek Nowak, Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics
  • „Egzotyczne dyfeomorfizmy sfer” Mateusz Kujawski, Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics

for the field: Data Science and Business Analytics

  • „Zastosowanie nowatorskich narzędzi przetwarzania języka naturalnego do analizy preferencji politycznych polskich parlamentarzystów” Bartosz Słysz, Faculty of Economic Sciences

for the field: Machine Learning

  • „Exploration and Generation of Antimicrobial Peptides Using Riemannian Brownian Motion in Diffusion Models” Adam Bielecki, Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics
  • „A gravity-based approach to increase realism of the generation of the latent space models” Jurand Prądzyński, Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics

for the field: Informatics and Econometrics

  • „Otoczenie przestrzenne firm technologicznych: perspektywy dla innowacyjności” Monika Kot, Faculty of Economic Sciences
  • „Wpływ czynnika geopolitycznego na rynek akcji w Polsce” Barbara Nawrot, Faculty of Economic Sciences
  • „Forecasting financial time series with machine learning and deep learning models” Dominik Stempień, Faculty of Economic Sciences
  • „Model behawioralny kursu walutowego równowagi polskiego złotego względem najważniejszych walut światowych w latach 2004 – 2024” Hubert Kwiatkowski, Faculty of Economic Sciences