IV.4.1. A complex programme of support for UW PhD students – 1st research competition
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- Name of the competition: The 1st competition for co-financing scientific research by doctoral candidates at the University of Warsaw under Action IV.4.1 “A complex programme of support for UW PhD students”
- Objective: to finance new research undertakings to improve the quality of the research being carried out by doctoral students as part of their dissertation preparations, which should also facilitate their timely defence
- Applicant: all PhD students of the University of Warsaw
- Date of competition announcement: 01.02.2022
- Start date for the call for proposals: 01.02.2022
- Closing date for the call for proposals: 01.03.2022
- Competition budget: 1 000 000 PLN
- Project budget: up to 30 000 PLN
- Project duration: up to 12 months from the date of the award (i.e. 21.04.2022)
- How to apply: only electronically to the following address dokt.idub@uw.edu.pl
The rules of the 1st competition for co-financing scientific research by doctoral candidates at the University of Warsaw under Action IV.4.1 “A complex programme of support for UW PhD students”
1. Can the budget include remuneration for the laureate, the academic tutor(s)/supervisor(s) or other co-workers, including those from abroad?
2. Can the remuneration referred to in the Notice by the Bursar from 6/2020 (as amended) be awarded only one time to a given person, as part of a given study, or more times?
3. Can someone be hired to carry out the project as a contractor?
4. Can the cost of purchasing books be covered?
5. Can the costs of purchasing a subscription to a streaming service be taken into account?
6. Can the costs of accessing resources (including databases), such as scientific articles, textbooks, archives, or digital text collections, be taken into account?
7. Can I purchase a software license?
8. Can software development costs be covered?
9. Can a library query, participation in a conference, a trip abroad or a field trip be planned as part of the project?
10. Can I submit an application for a conference and preliminary research at the same time?
11. Can the costs of proofreading and/or Open Access be taken into account?
12. Can a tablet, voice recorder, or external drive be purchased using the allotted budget?
13. Can a computer, server, laptop, monitor, printer, or large portable drive be purchased within the budget?
14. Within the budget, is it possible to cover the cost of purchasing parts for a device which is being used in the planned research?
15. Can excess costs related to the implementation of planned expenses be covered using private funds?
The application should show only the costs for which funding is being requested under the competition.
16. Can one have two projects with IDUB funds without prior settlement?
17. Can the receipt of a microgrant for preliminary research (IV.3.1.) prevent the submission of an application in the competition for research under Action IV.4.1?
18. What type of experience (if any) should an applicant have?
19. Can I finance the organisation of a conference?
20. What is the competition procedure and who coordinates it at the departmental/doctoral school level?
21. How should the remuneration for a manager and a contractor be calculated in an application for promoting and popularising scientific research?
22. What is the method of settling the co-financing which has been granted for the purpose of conducting specialised research?
23. Can one therefore apply for project funding during the first or subsequent extension of one’s doctoral studies?
24. Can I submit an application while on leave?
25. Can one receive or continue receiving funding during the suspension of one’s education at the Doctoral School?
26. How are the doctoral candidates (2 in a given field) selected for the substantive evaluation of applications?
27. Is the 12-month period for the project implementation counted from the decision date or the date of the final publication of the list of people who received funding?
28. Is the indication of a related discipline obligatory or optional?
29. The CPV code for computer equipment is 30200000-1. The code in the description of the competition is 30000000-9 – “Office and computing machines, equipment and supplies, except furniture and software packages”. Could you please clarify?
30. What is a safe and/or acceptable starting date for a project?
31. What does “personal presentation during a conference” mean?
32. And will there be 0 or 1 points in the achievements, or e.g., 0.5 point?
35. Is it possible to finance the remuneration of persons performing the verification – “coding” of the research material, e.g., in a situation where verification by several referees is required?
37. Is it possible to order a transcription of interviews conducted prior to the implementation of the project, as a third-party service?
38. What if the publication of an article or the implementation of another scientific achievement as part of the substantive settlement is delayed, e.g., due to the pandemic, and we miss the project settlement deadline?
39. Can research which has already been piloted be planned as part of the competition?
40. What is the minimum number of days before the end of the call for applications when an application can be sent for a preliminary formal assessment?
43. Which disciplines can be pointed to as the leading scientific discipline or a related scientific discipline?
The scientific disciplines that can be pointed to should be selected from the following list:
- archaeology
- philosophy
- history
- linguistics
- literary studies
- cultural and religious studies
- arts
- economics and finance
- social and economic geography and spatial management
- security studies
- communication and media studies
- political science and public administration
- management and quality studies
- law
- sociology
- education
- psychology
- astronomy
- mathematical sciences
- computer science
- biological sciences
- chemical sciences
- physical sciences
- earth and environmental sciences
Humanities team
- dr hab. Wiesław Więckowski – archaeology
- prof. dr hab. Kazimierz Lewartowski – archaeology
- dr Marta Zaręba – philosophy
- dr Natalia Juchniewicz – philosophy
- dr Agnieszka Brylak – history
- dr hab. Marcin Zaremba, prof. ucz. – history
- dr hab. Monika Opalińska – linguistics
- prof. dr hab Krystyna Waszak – linguistics
- dr hab. Andriej Moskwin – literary studies
- dr hab. Joanna Godlewicz-Adamiec, prof. ucz. – literary studies
- dr Amanda Krzyworzeka – cultural and religious studies
- dr. Łukasz Zaremba – cultural and religious studies
- dr hab. Agnieszka Leszczyńska – art studies
- dr. hab. Marcin Lachowski – art studies
- mgr Alicja Relidzyńska – Doctoral students’ self-government
- mgr Julia Wilde – Doctoral students’ self-government
Team in the social sciences
- dr hab. Anna Matysiak, prof. ucz. – economics and finance
- dr hab. Renata Karkowska, prof. ucz. – economics and finance
- dr hab. Katarzyna Podhorodecka – social and economic geography and spatial management
- dr Izabela Gołębiowska – social and economic geography and spatial management
- dr hab. Agnieszka Bieńczyk-Missala, prof. ucz. – security studies
- prof. dr hab. Andrzej Misiuk – security studies
- prof. dr hab. Jadwiga Woźniak-Kasperek – communication and media studies
- prof. dr hab. Robert Cieślak – communication and media studies
- dr hab. Jakub Zajączkowski – political science and public administration
- dr hab. Wojciech Gagatek, prof. ucz. – political science and public administration
- dr Mariola Zalewska – management and quality studies
- dr Krzysztof Nowak – management and quality studies
- dr Anne-Marie Weber-Elżanowska – law
- dr hab. Jan Winczorek – law
- prof. dr hab. Aleksander Manterys – sociology
- prof. dr hab. Anna Giza-Poleszczuk – sociology
- dr Agnieszka Wołowicz – education
- dr Agnieszka Małkowska-Szkutnik – education
- dr Aneta Miękisz – psychology
- dr Oliwia Maciantowicz – psychology
- mgr Barbara Lipińska-Zańko – Doctoral students’ self-government
- mgr Feliks Tuszko – Doctoral students’ self-government
Natural sciences team
- dr Dorota Skowron – astronomy
- dr Radosław Poleski – astronomy
- dr hab. Michał Skrzypczak – computer and information sciences
- dr hab. Norbert Dojer – computer and information sciences
- dr hab. Agnieszka Wiszniewska-Matyszkiel – mathematics
- dr hab. Maciej Borodzik – mathematics
- dr hab. Radosław Stachowiak – biological sciences
- dr Katarzyna Goździk – biological sciences
- prof. dr hab. Zbigniew Stojek – chemical sciences
- dr hab. Marzena Jankowska-Anyszka, prof. ucz. – chemical sciences
- dr hab. Krzysztof Rolbiecki – physical sciences
- dr hab. Piotr Wasylczyk – physical sciences
- dr hab. Dorota Porowska, prof. ucz. – Earth and related environmental sciences
- dr hab. Mikołaj Zapalski, prof. ucz. – Earth and related environmental sciences
- mgr Tomasz Wąs – Doctoral students’ self-government
- mgr Michai Suster – Doctoral students’ self-government
Competition results
As part of the 1st competition for the funding of research of doctoral students of the UW under Action IV.4.1 “A complex programme of support for UW PhD students”, 106 complete applications were submitted between 1.02.2022 and 1.03.2022. On the basis of the recommendations of the field teams and having taken into account the high level of the submitted applications, the Manager of the “Excellence Initiative – Research University” Programme, the Vice-Rector for Research, Prof. Zygmunt Lalak, decided on the 1st competition for co-financing doctoral students’ research by increasing the competition’s budget to the amount of nearly PLN 1 280 000. Lists of laureates of the applications which obtained co-financing are presented below.
Full name | Organisational unit | Co-financing |
Dobrawa Aleksiak | Faculty of Education | 5 888,00 PLN |
Mustafa Al-Sarraf | Faculty of Biology | 28 409,00 PLN |
Mateusz Bocheński | Faculty of Physics | 29 900,00 PLN |
Magda Borysławska | Faculty of Modern Languages | 11 200,00 PLN |
Dominika Bulska | Robert Zajonc Institute for Social Studies | 21 600,00 PLN |
Kinga Burdach | Faculty of Chemistry | 29 279,00 PLN |
Elvira Chapkauskaitse | Faculty of Biology | 30 000,00 PLN |
Maria Dąbrowska | Faculty of Biology | 29 800,00 PLN |
Jakub Dobosz | Faculty of Physics | 29 720,00 PLN |
Martyna Dudziak-Kisio | Faculty of Journalism, Information and Book Studies | 24 600,00 PLN |
Jakub Dunin-Borkowski | Faculty of Modern Languages | 12 800,00 PLN |
Robert Dziedziczak | Faculty of Geology | 25 900,00 PLN |
Mateusz Filipek | Faculty of Physics | 25 650,00 PLN |
Joanna Gorgol | Faculty of Psychology | 15 000,00 PLN |
Sara Herczyńska | Faculty of Polish Studies | 4 050,00 PLN |
Niklas Hohmann | Faculty of Biology | 7 137,20 PLN |
Mateusz Iskra | Faculty of Biology | 29 900,00 PLN |
Diana Jaworska | Faculty of Psychology | 9 918,00 PLN |
Namrata Joshi | Faculty of Biology | 28 500,00 PLN |
Ainur Kakimova | Faculty of Applied Linguistics | 14 040,00 PLN |
Joanna Kamykowska | Faculty of Psychology | 11 792,00 PLN |
Adam Karpiński | Faculty of Chemistry | 29 100,00 PLN |
Konrad Kiljan | Faculty of Journalism, Information and Book Studies | 13 400,00 PLN |
Kamil Kobyliński | Faculty of Geology | 16 000,00 PLN |
Anna Kordas | Faculty of Culture and Arts | 20 000,00 PLN |
Alexander Korneluk | Faculty of Physics | 16 230,00 PLN |
Iga Kwiatkowska | Faculty of Biology | 21 960,00 PLN |
Wojciech Lasota | Faculty of Education | 15 000,00 PLN |
Maria Leniarska | Faculty of Psychology | 15 000,00 PLN |
Karolina Łempicka-Mirek | Faculty of Physics | 30 000,00 PLN |
Marcin Łukasz Żebrowski | Faculty of Biology | 29 987,04 PLN |
Francesca Marchetto | Centre of New Technologies | 29 990,00 PLN |
Bartosz Mierzejewski | Faculty of Biology | 28 400,00 PLN |
Małgorzata Mileszczyk | Faculty of Culture and Arts | 16 919,00 PLN |
Michał Nawrocki | Faculty of Sociology | 15 000,00 PLN |
Maria Opałka | Faculty of Culture and Arts | 18 900,00 PLN |
Wojciech Oronowicz-Jaśkowiak | Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics | 10 000,00 PLN |
Beata Pszczółkowska | Faculty of Physics | 24 220,00 PLN |
Stanisław Rabczuk | Faculty of Law and Administration | 13 050,00 PLN |
Paulina Rajchel-Mieldzioć | Faculty of Physics | 29 912,00 PLN |
Kinga Rogowska | Faculty of Polish Studies | 6 400,00 PLN |
Karolina Romańczuk | Faculty of Biology | 29 549,00 PLN |
Igor Siedlecki | Faculty of Biology | 23 740,00 PLN |
Marta Siepsiak | Faculty of Psychology | 28 347,00 PLN |
Kinga Stępniak | Faculty of Biology | 29 200,00 PLN |
Anna Stróż | Faculty of Physics | 28 700,00 PLN |
Michał Styczyński | Faculty of Biology | 10 000,00 PLN |
Jerzy Szuniewicz | Faculty of Physics | 29 990,00 PLN |
Małgorzata Talipska | Faculty of Polish Studies | 30 000,00 PLN |
Wojciech Waleriańczyk | Faculty of Psychology | 15 000,00 PLN |
Radost Waszkiewicz | Faculty of Physics | 20 000,00 PLN |
Anna Węgrzyn | Faculty of Biology | 29 845,00 PLN |
Adrianna Wielgopolan | Faculty of Psychology | 29 600,00 PLN |
Wojciech Wilczyński | Faculty of Biology | 30 000,00 PLN |
Agata Witan | Faculty of Polish Studies | 21 633,00 PLN |
Marcin Witkowski | Faculty of Chemistry | 26 451,00 PLN |
Michał Wypych | Faculty of Psychology | 15 000,00 PLN |
Michalina Zaborowska | Faculty of Chemistry | 27 226,10 PLN |
Katarzyna Zagórska | Faculty of Economic Sciences | 25 000,00 PLN |