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New Ideas in Priority Research Area I

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Call for competition

  • Name of the competition: New Ideas in Priority Research Area I
  • Objective: support research projects which are thematically related to POB (Priority Research Area) I
  • Thematic area of the projects: https://inicjatywadoskonalosci.uw.edu.pl/en/actions/areas/pob1/
  • Applicant: a researcher or a researcher/teacher counted among the N-classified staff, with at least a doctoral degree, or a team of employees represented by a project manager, who applies for funding on behalf of the team. The chosen project manager must have at least a doctoral degree and be counted among N-classified staff at UW. The research team includes research or research/teaching staff from the University of Warsaw, who are N-classified, and may include students or doctoral students at the University of Warsaw who are carrying out project-related tasks.
  • Date of competition announcement: 30.06.2021
  • Start date for the call for proposals: 19.07.2021
  • Closing date for the call for proposals: 27.08.2021
  • The competition results will be announced by: 30.09.2021 (this deadline may be extended in the case of a large number of applications)
  • Competition budget: 700 000 PLN
  • Project budget: 30 000 – 100 000 PLN
  • Project duration: until 28 February 2023
  • How to apply: only electronically to the following address noweidee.pob1@uw.edu.pl
Competition rulesFAQSelection committeeResults
Appendix revision 03.08.2021
Technical defect has been identified in Annex 1 so a corrected version has been made.

The current version of the Annex is available below.

Rules for the competition “New Ideas” in POB I implemented within the “Excellence Initiative – Research University” Programme

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The principles of remunerating people participating in research as part of research projects are regulated by the Bursar’s Notice No. 6/2020 from October 8, 2020 (along with amendments introduced in Notice No. 1/2021) on the implementation of the remuneration settlement procedure, for people participating in studies as part of research projects.
“Small equipment” should be understood as small laboratory equipment and other devices, if they are not included in tangible assets, in accordance with accounting rules (policy) (Ordinance No. 94 of the Rector of the University of Warsaw from the 9th of September, 2019, on the Principles for the recognition of assets as fixed assets, intangible assets and legal assets, and the methods of their amortisation and inventory.).

In case of doubts as to how a given purchase will be qualified, please consult the persons responsible for the records of fixed assets in the unit where the project is to be implemented.

Yes, the cost estimate must include gross amounts. They should be calculated in accordance with the calculator chart available on the website of the Bursar’s Office at UW.
Yes. There is no impediment to allocating the funds to cover the costs of a project which is being carried out by researchers from different organizational units, in accordance with the cost estimate.
Members of the research team may only receive remuneration based on an employment contract, or supplementary remuneration, in the case of people already employed at the University of Warsaw.
Common-law contracts may be financed under the “Other costs” (External services) category. Such costs are then treated as the purchase of services or goods from external entities and should be carried out in accordance with the public procurement rules of the organisational unit in which the project is implemented.
The costs of internal services are eligible in the competition, but they are allowed only when they relate to settlements between UW units as a reimbursement of actual incurred costs. In case of purchasing a comprehensive service from another UW unit, it is necessary to provide a calculation of the expenditures which comprise the cost of such a service. The cost eligibility assessment should be made on the basis of Annex 3 to the competition rules, and in particular fulfill its premise: the cost is admissible, provided that “it is necessary and was incurred in relation to the implementation of the project”.
Doctoral candidates, who are not employees of the University of Warsaw, cannot receive supplementary remuneration, but may be employed full-time or part-time and receive remuneration. Doctoral candidates may participate in the work of research teams as part of the process of their education.
There is no such restriction. Part-time employment is possible, in which case the maximum rate of remuneration is proportional to a reduced full-time job. Maximum values are indicated in the appendix with the rates of remuneration for research team members.
When estimating salaries, the principle of rationality and efficiency in expenses should be followed, first of all. The competition rules define only the maximum amounts of remuneration.
In accordance with Annex 3 to the rules of the competition, the costs of business trips, including those abroad, are acceptable costs. When planning the costs of such trips, one should follow the principle of necessity, rationality, and effectiveness of expenses.
Information on the rates applicable in the competition can be found in Annex 4 to the rules of the competition.
The costs of publishing research results include all costs related to the publication of research, which are necessary for the achievement of project objectives.
Yes, if the publication of an article or a monograph has been indicated as the planned outcome of the project implementation, in justified cases (e.g., the length of the publishing cycle), submission for publication may be considered as effective implementation of the project objectives.
This point should describe all activities which are to be implemented during the project that were not included in point 1-4 of the description (e.g., those that are not related to the research methodology).
The application form does not require a description of all future members of the research team. The selection committee will evaluate the application on the basis of the current composition of the team, in particular the competencies of the project manager. The expected employment of team members during the project should be indicated in the description of planned activities. If the leader plans to recruit team members in the future, it will be enough to describe the desired competencies / qualifications of team members, while also accounting for the costs of remuneration of future team members in the cost estimate for the project.
It is not necessary to indicate the specific journals in which the publication of articles is planned. However, a positive assessment of the application by the selection committee also depends on whether it considers the planned outcomes of the project (e.g., the publication of scientific articles in highly-scored journals) to be feasible. From this perspective, identifying specific journals in which the article(s) will be published may have a positive impact on the assessment of the application (as only in this case will it be possible to assess whether the application relates to some of the CV indicators – namely, those related to scientific publications).
In accordance with Paragraph 6 of the competition rules, only employees of the University of Warsaw can be members of the research team, so only information about people working at the University of Warsaw should be entered there.
Yes. There are no obstacles to including people in the research team who are doctoral candidates from the University of Warsaw and also full-time employees of other universities.
No, the head of the research team can only be a person who holds at least a doctoral degree.
Yes, foreigners may submit projects, if they meet the conditions listed in Paragraph 6. Documentation for the competition in English is available on the website inicjatywadoskonalosci.uw.edu.pl/en/actions/ni/pob1/
A postdoc is any researcher with a PhD degree.
The consent of the head of the organizational unit may be expressed a) with a traditional signature with a seal – in which case the application should be sent in the form of a scan; b) a qualified electronic signature; c) in the content of an e-mail from the head of this unit – in which case a copy of this e-mail (a printout to PDF file) should be attached to the application, clearly indicating which application the consent was granted to.
Yes, some signatures on the application may be given in a traditional form, and some as electronic signatures. Please remember that the document should first obtain traditional signatures, and then electronic signatures. This will allow the electronic signatures to be verified, if necessary.
In accordance with Paragraph 9 (3) of the competition rules: All transfers of funds between cost estimate categories must be approved by the Programme Manager. Changes among cost types within a cost category do not require the consent of the Programme Manager. Changes should only be made in justified and necessary cases, and must not have a negative impact on the achievement of the project objectives.
In accordance with Paragraph 6 of the rules of the competition, members of research teams cannot be persons who are not affiliated with the University of Warsaw.
Yes, the competition does not impose any restrictions in this regard.
A sabbatical leave is not an obstacle when applying to a competition, if the specific regulations of a given leave do not preclude doing so.
Graphics (illustrations, photographs, schemes, etc.) should be attached in a separate document and assigned consecutive numbers (e.g. Fig. 1). In the application form (Annex 1), reference should be made to the number given to the graphic.

If the team member is known by name, is currently employed at the UW on a contract of employment and will be paid a top-up salary as part of their NI project work, they will complete Appendix 1a and be included in the number of team members.

If it is planned to employ on a contract basis a person who is not currently a UW employee, an open recruitment should be carried out. Since at the moment of submitting the application the result of the recruitment process will not be known, such a person is included only in the description of the team structure (in point B.i. of the application). Annex 1a should not be filled in and such a person should not be included in the number of team members (in point B.ii. of the application).

If it is planned to establish cooperation on the basis of a civil-law agreement (such costs are then treated as purchase of services or goods from external entities), one should follow the procurement rules of the organisational unit where the project is implemented. In this case, such a person is not included in the description of the team structure (in point B.i. of the application), Annex 1a is not filled in and such a person is not included in the number of team members (in point B.ii. of the application).

If a student or a PhD student participates in the project as a member of the Team, it is an element of the educational process (student and PhD students cannot be paid as employees of the University). Then this person should be included in the description of the Team structure (in point B.i. of the application). If, additionally, this person is known by name, Annex 1a should be filled in and the number of Team members should be included (in point B.ii. of the application).

Selection committee

  • dr hab. Magdalena Popowska, prof. ucz., Faculty of Biology – chairperson,
  • dr hab. Zbigniew Rogulski, Faculty of Chemistry,
  • dr hab. Łukasz Dziewit, Faculty of Biology,
  • prof. dr hab. Joanna Kargul, Centre of New Technologies,
  • dr hab. Paweł W. Majewski, Biological and Chemical Research Centre,
  • dr hab. Sławomir Ilnicki, Faculty of Geology.
  • Title of the project: Biotechnologiczna produkcja związków o znaczeniu petrochemicznym
    Applicant: Drewniak Łukasz, dr hab. prof. UW, Faculty of Biology
    Allocated funds: 100 000,00 PLN
  • Title of the project: Rola astrocytarnego szlaku Wnt w rozwoju neuronów
    Applicant: Wiśniewska Marta, dr hab., prof. ucz., CeNT
    Allocated funds: 99 920,00 PLN
  • Title of the project: Rezerwuar środowiskowy a cykl zakaźny chorobotwórczych glonów z rodzaju Prototheca. Ocena występowania glonów Prototheca spp. w środowiskach glebowych.
    Applicant: Jagielski Tomasz, dr hab., Faculty of Biology
    Allocated funds: 99 951,81 PLN
  • Title of the project: Opracowanie bazy danych z pełną charakterystyką fizykochemiczną i mikrobiologiczną wybranych gleb ornych w Polsce
    Applicant: Zalewska Magdalena, dr, Faculty of Biology
    Allocated funds: 100 000,00 PLN
  • Title of the project: Opracowanie efektywnych związków przeciwbakteryjnych poprzez stabilizację struktury peptydów penetrujących błony biologiczne
    Applicant: Trylska Joanna, prof. dr hab., CeNT
    Allocated funds: 100 000,00 PLN
  • Title of the project: Upcykling złomu elektronicznego w kierunku wytwarzania bezmatrycowych układów nanocząstek metali szlachetnych
    Applicant: Hyk Wojciech, dr hab., Faculty of Chemistry
    Allocated funds: 100 000,00 PLN
  • Title of the project: Mikroplastik morski i Plastisfera – holistyczne badania podstawowe (jakościowe i ilościowe)
    Applicant: Dąbrowska Agnieszka, dr, Faculty of Chemistry
    Allocated funds: 91 810,00 PLN
  • Title of the project: Wirusy bakteryjne jako narzędzie do badań SARS-CoV-2 pod kątem leczenia i zapobiegania COVID-19
    Applicant: Golec Piotr, dr, Faculty of Biology
    Allocated funds: 100 000,00 PLN
  • Title of the project: Chemia brązowego węgla (BrC) w wodzie atmosferycznej: przemiany chemiczne, toksyczność oraz absorpcja promieniowania UV-Vis
    Applicant: Gierczak Tomasz, prof. dr hab., Faculty of Chemistry
    Allocated funds: 100 000,00 PLN
  • Title of the project: Opracowanie podstaw chemiczno-biologicznej metody recyklingu zużytych ogniw fotowoltaicznych zwiększającej odzysk zawartych w nich surowców
    Applicant: Uhrynowski Witold, dr, Faculty of Chemistry
    Allocated funds: 99 870,00 PLN
  • Title of the project: Wpływ zmian paleośrodowiska na zasięg i funkcjonowanie neolitycznej kultury keltaminarskiej na Nizinie Turańskiej (SW Uzbekistan)
    Applicant: Monika Mętrak, dr, Faculty of Biology
    Allocated funds: 73 756,56 PLN
  • Title of the project: Lipofilowość i forma leku a oddziaływania z błonami biologicznymi – wpływ na efektywność terapii w chorobach płuc
    Applicant: Matyszewska Dorota, dr, Faculty of Chemistry
    Allocated funds: 100 000,00 PLN
  • Title of the project: Białka pochodzenia bakteriofagowego, o właściwościach bakteriobójczych jako nowa strategia walki z bakteriami antybiotykoopornymi
    Applicant: Adamczyk-Popławska Monika, dr hab., Faculty of Biology
    Allocated funds: 100 000,00 PLN
  • Title of the project: Opracowanie nowej platformy wirusowej skierowanej na terapię onkolityczną opartą o regulatorowe RNA
    Applicant: Kwiatek Agnieszka dr hab., Faculty of Biology
    Allocated funds: 85 000,00 PLN
  • Title of the project: Metoda dostarczania nukleotydów/kwasów nukleinowych do komórek na drodze endocytozy inicjowanej przez neuropilinę-1
    Applicant: Fedorczyk Bartłomiej, dr, CeNT
    Allocated funds: 86 397,60 PLN
  • Title of the project: German i jego izotopy dla głębszego poznania pochodzenia i składu solanek, wód mineralnych i leczniczych Karpat
    Applicant: Dobrzyński Dariusz, dr hab., Faculty of Geology
    Allocated funds: 69 400,00 PLN
  • Title of the project: miRNA jako czynnik prognostyczny powstawania skostnień heterotopowych
    Applicant: Brzóska-Wójtowicz Edyta, dr hab. prof. UW, Faculty of Biology
    Allocated funds: 100 000,00 PLN
  • Title of the project: Podłoże molekularne dziedzicznej neuropatii wzrokowej Lebera – oddziaływanie genomu mitochondrialnego i jądrowego genu DNAJC30
    Applicant: Tońska Katarzyna, prof. dr hab., Faculty of Biology
    Allocated funds: 74 600,00 PLN

Following the opinion of the POB I competition committee,
The Programme Manager agreed to increase the competition budget to PLN 1,680,705.97