VI.1. Strengthening and development of cooperation between the University of Warsaw and the Medical University of Warsaw in the federalisation process – 1st edition
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The aim of this activity is to support cooperation between academic and teaching staff, administrative staff, doctoral candidates, and the student bodies of both universities. The projects which may be financed include the development of joint research projects, sharing research and teaching infrastructure, broadening cooperation between the Incubators, creation of joint fields of study, and doctoral and student initiatives.
Rules for receiving funds
These rules for receiving funds concern support scientific cooperation between the University of Warsaw and the Medical University of Warsaw (WUM), in order to increase the impact of the research carried out by joint research teams on world science implemented in connection with Action VI.1 – “Strengthening and development of cooperation between the University of Warsaw and the Medical University of Warsaw in the federalisation process”, financed with funding from Action IV.3.1 – “Internal grants of the University of Warsaw to increase employees’ research potential”.
Support for scientific cooperation between the University of Warsaw and the Medical University of Warsaw, to increase the impact of the research carried out by joint research teams on world science.
Funding tracks
Within the framework of the first competition, two funding tracks will be launched:
- for the establishment of new research teams, with the objective of preparing a research project which may be developed and presented for financing in a competition as part of external grants – up to 15,000 PLN financed from IDUB UW funds, with an additional contribution from the WUM budget; the condition on settling the funds is to submit a joint application for a grant from an external source within 12 months of the end of the project;
- to support existing research teams comprised of researchers from both universities (projects including researchers from outside the University of Warsaw and the Medical University of Warsaw may also be financed), whose aim is to carry out preliminary research in order to confirm the correctness of assumed hypotheses. The purpose of the preliminary research is to publish findings and prepare a project that will subsequently be submitted to a competition within an external grant framework – up to 100,000 PLN financed from IDUB UW funds, with an additional contribution from WUM; the condition for settlement of support is the publication of the results of joint research and to submit a joint application for a grant from an external source within 12 months of the end of the project.
The remuneration of the members of the research team shall not exceed 20% of the value of the project and shall be paid from the portion of the project budget covered by the given university.
Research teams consisting of at least two staff members (including at least one from the University of Warsaw and one from the Medical University of Warsaw, who have declared that they are included in the research staff within their respective universities) with experience in conducting scientific research, the results of which are internationally recognised, and who have been members of interdisciplinary, international research teams, whose work has been published in journals which are rated among the top 25% in the discipline they represent (according to the Scopus database), or with a min. of 100 points according to the list of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, or in a publishing house from Level II according to the list of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. The scientific teams may include doctoral students and students from both universities.
Anticipated outcomes
To create and/or strengthen teams with the potential to carry out ground-breaking research, the results of which will respond to key societal challenges. As a result of support from the „Excellence Initiative – Research University” (IDUB) programme, new or existing research teams will be able to successfully apply for grants funded by Polish and international agencies.
Period of financing
- in track no. 1 – up to 6 months from the date of obtaining co-financing
- in track no. 2 – up to 18 months from the date of obtaining co-financing
Deadline for the call for proposals
- the call for proposals is from 28 October to
30 November 20202 December 2020 - the results of the competition in both tracks will be announced by
15 December 202021 December 2020
Competition budget
- in track no. 1 – 150,000 PLN, financed from IDUB funds and a contribution from WUM amounting to at least 20% of the budget
- in track no. 2 – 300,000 PLN, financed from IDUB funds and a contribution from WUM amounting to at least 20% of the budget
WUM funding
Projects are co-financed from WUM funds amounting to a minimum of 20% of the budget in the form of financial or other material contributions to each project. Information about the amount and form of co-financing is attached to the application form and confirmed with signatures of the persons authorised to make financial declarations at WUM.
The Selection Committee
Recommendations concerning the selection of projects will be made by a five-person Selection Committee, consisting of representatives from the University of Warsaw (two representatives), WUM (two representatives) and one person from outside both universities. The Committee will be appointed by the Rector of UW. WUM representatives in the Selection Committee will be recommended by the Rector of WUM. The Chairperson of the Committee will be appointed by the Rector of UW. The decision to qualify an application for financing is made by the Programme Manager in consultation with the Vice-Rector for Research at UW and the Vice-Rector for Science and Technology Transfer at WUM, on the basis of the recommendation of the Selection Committee. The administrative service of the competition will be provided by the IDUB Programme Coordination Office at the University of Warsaw.
- An electronic application form will be available on the IDUB website.
- The application should be signed by the applicant and the director of the organisational unit at UW, and also the applicant and the director of the organisational unit at WUM.
- The signature of the Vice-Rector for Science and Technology Transfer at WUM is only required at the initial stage of application when co-financing from WUM funds exceeds 20% (max. 20,000 PLN per project for existing research teams and max. 3,000 for new research teams).
- The signatures of the Vice-Rector for Research at UW and the Vice-Rector for Science and Technology Transfer at WUM are required after an application has been approved by the Selection Committee for implementation.
- Signed and scanned applications should be sent to Signatures may be qualified electronic signatures..
- Incomplete applications will be returned with a request for their completion within three days.
- Applications that do not meet formal requirements will not be considered.
- The decision to qualify an application for financing is made by the Programme Manager in consultation with the Vice-Rector for Research at UW and the Vice-Rector for Science and Technology Transfer at WUM, on the basis of the recommendation of the Selection Committee. The Programme Manager’s decision is final and is not subject to appeal.
- The list of projects which will receive funding will be made public on the IDUB website.
Project settlement
The allocated funds are subject to substantive and financial settlement. Those completing the project will be asked to submit the following documents, through a representative of the team from the University of Warsaw:
- a substantive report on the achievement of project goals, signed by the team leader and the Head of the organisational unit at UW;
- a list of expenses incurred while achieving project goals, signed by the Quaestor’s representative from the organisational unit of UW where the project is being carried out (within 14 days of the project completion date).
Final provisions
UW and WUM reserve the right to cancel the competition.
In track no. 1, for the establishment of new research teams:
- dr hab. Marcin Rzeszutek (UW), dr Monika Grymowicz (WUM): “Filling existing gaps in scientific research concerning the well-being and psychological health of women during pregnancy and the postpartum period. Investigating the influence of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic on the mental well-being of women” („Uzupełnienie luk w badaniach naukowych dotyczących dobrostanu i zdrowia psychicznego kobiet w okresie ciąży i postpartum. Zbadanie wpływu warunków pandemii SARS-CoV-2 na dobrostan psychiczny kobiet”);
- dr hab. Bartłomiej Walczak (UW), dr Bartłomiej Błesznowski (UW), dr hab. Aleksandra Wesołowska (WUM): “Developing and conducting nationwide research to promote breastfeeding through an interdisciplinary approach” („Opracowanie i przeprowadzenie ogólnopolskiego badania dotyczącego promocji karmienia piersią w ujęciu interdyscyplinarnym”);
- dr hab. Natalia Siudzińska (UW), dr hab. n. hum. Marzena Stępień (UW), dr hab. n. hum. Olga Jauer-Niworowska (UW), dr hab. Joanna Peradzyńska (WUM): “Establishing phonation duration norms in a healthy adult population of Poles, and the relations between the results obtained by women and men, the relation between phonation duration and the degree and shape of the vocal tract, respiratory fitness and overall physical fitness, and vocal capacity” („Ustalenie norm czasu fonacji dla polskiej populacji zdrowych osób dorosłych, a także zależności między wynikami uzyskanymi przez kobiety i mężczyzn, związek między czasem fonacji a stopniem i kształtem kanału głosowego, sprawnością oddechową I ogólną sprawnością fizyczną, sprawnością głosową”).
In track no. 2, to support existing research teams:
- dr Katarzyna Suski Grabowski (UW), dr Miron Bartosz Kursa (UW), dr hab. n. med. Ernest Kuchar (WUM), prof. dr hab. n. med. Rafał Płoski (WUM): “Identification of genetic and environmental factors of PIMS syndrome activation in Poland” („Identyfikacja czynników genetycznych i środowiskowych aktywacji syndromu PIMS w Polsce”);
- dr Agata Kowalczyk (UW), dr Monika Rużycka-Ayoush (WUM): “The nanobiosensor in the diagnosis of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus” („Nanobiosensor w diagnostyce koronawirusa SARS-CoV-2”);
- dr Anna Marusiak (UW), prof. dr hab. Dominika Nowis (WUM): “Assessing the influence of silencing kinase MLK4 on strengthening the response to chemotherapy in a mouse model of breast cancer” („Ocena wpływu wyciszenia kinazy MLK4 na wzmocnienie odpowiedzi na chemioterapię w mysim modelu raka piersi”);
- prof. dr hab. Katarzyna Tońska (UW), prof. dr hab. n. med. Anna Kostera-Pruszczyk (WUM): “Establishing how numerous the group of multiple sclerosis patients is among whom the cause or one cause of illness is a primary disorder associated with mtDNA dysfunction” („Rozpoznanie jak liczną grupę wśród pacjentów ze stwardnieniem rozsianym stanowić mogą osoby, u których przyczyną, bądź jedną z przyczyn jest pierwotne zaburzenie związane z nieprawidłowym funkcjonowaniem mtDNA”);
- prof. dr hab. Marek Maleszewski (UW), prof. dr hab. n. med. Michał Grąt (WUM), lek. Morawski Marcin (WUM): “Optimising the production of new cell cultures to show hepatocyte function” („Optymalizacja wytwarzania nowej linii komórkowej wykazującej funkcje hepatocytów”).