We invite you to the next remote training on the use of the institutional research data repository of the University of Warsaw – “UW Research Data”. (more…)
The Archaeo-Oriental Studies entered its second phase and with it, also the format of the Archaeo-Oriental Seminar changes. Starting from October 2024, the seminar will have the form of discussion ...
The Centre for Research on Ancient Civilizations is pleased to announce the 13th call for applications for CRAC Small Grants. These grants aim to support research and dissemination in the ...
We invite you to the next remote training on the use of the institutional research data repository of the University of Warsaw – “UW Research Data”. (more…)
All those interested in the topic of open science at our university are invited to participate in the conference “ReInforce! Strengthening the policy of openness in science at the University ...
Institute of Philosophy and Sociology Polish Academy of Sciences (IFiS PAN), Centre for Research on Culture, Language, and Mind University of Warsaw and Myślowisko Foundation with support of Committee of ...
We invite you to the next remote training on the use of the institutional research data repository of the University of Warsaw – “UW Research Data”. (more…)
We would like to invite you to the next remote training on the use of the institutional research data repository of the University of Warsaw – “UW Research Data” . ...
We invite you to submit presentation proposals for the scientific conference “Breakthroughs. The latest research in the humanities and social sciences”, which will be held on October 17-18, 2024 at ...
The European Commission has awarded a grant from the Horizon Europe programme for the FOSTERLANG project, which involves researchers from the Faculty of “Artes Liberales” and the Faculty of Modern ...
We invite you to the next remote training on the use of the institutional research data repository of the University of Warsaw – “UW Research Data”. (more…)