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In view of the planned evaluation of Activities and verification of Indicators attained as stated in the IDUB application, in the IDUB Programme has created a Team for Monitoring Results and indicators of IDUB. The main task of the Team is to determine the effects of Activities and Programme Projects achieved during the implementation of the Programme Objective.

The scope of the Team’s activities

Within the scope of its responsibilities, the Team will carry out activities such as:

  • monitoring the effects of completed Activities as part of the Programme Objective;
  • monitoring the rate of achievement of IDUB Indicators;
  • preparing reports showing the rate of achieved IDUB Indicators along with recommendations for their improvement, to be completed every six months for the Rector of the University of Warsaw, the Steering Committee, the Programme Director, the POB Coordinating Committee, and the Coordinating Committee for Horizontal Activities;
  • identifying potential risks associated with achieving IDUB Indicators.


There is a list of indicators which serve to monitor and evaluate the achievements of the University in relation to the Excellence Initiative (IDUB), including the following:

  • obligatory indicators (WO), as defined by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MNiSW) (seven indicators);
  • optional indicators (WF), also established by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MNiSW); universities are obliged to select four indicators which they deem most relevant;
  • university indicators (WU), established in relation to the following objectives:
    • preparing and implementing comprehensive solutions which encourage the professional development of university employees, in particular young researchers, as understood in Article 360, section 2 of the statute,
    • raising the quality of management at the University, including pro-quality organisational changes.

The indicators encompass bibliometric and statistical data, as well as internal data from the University.  The data is taken from POL-on, SciVal, and local university databases.

The application reflected data from 2013-2018 (in the case of differing indicators, data from different years in this period were given).

The University is obliged to report on the indicators below – both those directly resulting from university activities, and those from the Priority Research Areas (POB):

A bibliometric indicator reported on the basis of the SciVal database, for each of the Priority Research Areas (POB), as well as the entire University.

Definition: The percentage (%) of scientific articles is reported, and the numerical value of these articles (only those defined as the “article” type), which in a particular period of time were among the 10% most cited in the world.

A bibliometric indicator reported on the basis of the SciVal database, for each of the Priority Research Areas (POB), as well as the entire University of Warsaw.

Definition: the impact of articles (only those defined as the “article” type) published as part of a particular POB and the University, in a specific area, measured by the number of citations during a corresponding reference period (every 6 months and in 2020-2024 and 2024-2026), in relation to the world average and accounting for the specificities of a given field.

A bibliometric indicator reported on the basis of the SciVal database, for each of the Priority Research Areas (POB).

Definition: The percentage (%) of scientific articles (only those defined as the “article” type) published as part of international cooperation, such as articles in which at least one of the co-authors is affiliated with a foreign institution.

Reviewed, published books:
• presenting a particular scientific issue in an original and creative way;
• contain annotations, a bibliography or other relevant scientific form, appropriate to the scientific discipline.

A scientific monograph is also:
• reviewed and includes footnotes (annotations), a bibliography, or other relevant form of record, appropriate to the scientific discipline, translated – a work which is of importance to science or culture, translated into Polish; a work which is of importance to science or culture, published in Polish and translated into another modern language;
• an edition of scientific source texts.

The number of grants from the European Research Council and other prestigious international grants, obtained by UW as a project leader from 2021 to 2025 (in accordance with the date of signing of the agreement). An international grant is understood as being:
• a grant, in which UW officially appears as the grant coordinator/consortium, implemented in cooperation with foreign partners, regardless of the source of funding (domestic or foreign); or
• a grant implemented independently by UW as part of an international programme (chosen in an international competition) regardless of the source of funding (domestic or foreign).
The number of academic teachers who have obtained doctorate degrees at universities other than UW (counted in terms of full-time employment) relative to the overall number of academic teachers (counted in terms of full-time employment), working at UW as of 31 December in a given reference year.
The number of undergraduate, graduate, and long-cycle programmes relative to the number of academic teachers (counted in terms of full-time employment), as of 31 December in a given reference year.
A bibliometric indicator reported on the basis of the SciVal database, for each of the Priority Research Areas (POB).

Definition: the impact of articles (only those defined as the “article” type, in which at least one of the co-authors is affiliated with a foreign institution) published within one of the POB areas as part of a specified field, measured by the number of citations in a given reference period (every 6 months and in 2020-2024 and 2024-2026), in relation to the world average and accounting for the specificities of a given field.

The number of foreign academic teachers relative to the number of all academic teachers employed at UW (counted in terms of full-time employment), as of 31 December in a given reference year.
The number of doctoral candidates enrolled in the doctoral studies programmes (stationary programmes – as of 2018)/foreign doctoral candidates (2025), in relation to the total number of doctoral candidates enrolled in the doctoral studies programmes (stationary – 2018)/doctoral candidates (2025) at UW, as of 31 December in a given reference year.
Conference publications in sources conferred with a Category A* ranking in the CORE database in the year of publication of the work and indexed in the DBLP database.
The percentage (%) of young scientists (https://www.gov.pl/web/nauka/definicja-mlodego-naukowca) who have obtained co-financing as part of the microgrant programme at UW, which is intended to raise research potential and support publishing activities (https://inicjatywadoskonalosci.uw.edu.pl/dzialania/iv-3-1/)
A bibliometric indicator reported on the basis of the SciVal database, for each of the Priority Research Areas (POB).

Definition: the impact of publication of specified types of geographic cooperation – the number of citations obtained by publications in a given POB area, affiliated with the University of Warsaw, in an international dimension for all types of scientific work.

Mobility is understood as travel abroad by academic teachers and administrative employees within the framework of ERASMUS trips, for the purpose of raising their qualifications and competences, and also in order to conduct classes and training courses, for professional development, including that of young researchers.


Indicator Responsibility for attaining the indicator Source(s) of data
UW POB I POB II POB III POB IV POB V Central databases* POB data**
The percentage of scientific articles in the upper deciles UW I II III IV V CBD
Normalised citation indicator UW I II III IV V CBD
The percentage of scientific articles in international partnerships I II III IV V CBD
Scientific monographs in prestigious publishing houses I III IV V POB
International grants I II III IV V CBD POB
Opening personnel policies UW CBD
The number of students in relation to the number of academic teachers UW CBD
Normalised citation indicator for scientific articles in foreign cooperation I II III IV V CBD
Internationalisation of staff UW CBD
Internationalisation of doctoral candidates UW CBD
Publications in peer-reviewed international conference materials II III IV CBD
The percentage of young scientists within the internal grant system UW CBD
The impact factor of cooperation I II III IV V CBD
Employee mobility UW POB

* Central databases: this concerns indicators whose values are counted on the basis of data originating from external databases (SciVal, POLon, CORE, and DBLP) or on the basis of data gathered by units of the central administration of UW. This data is collected by the Team for Monitoring Results and Indicators of IDUB. Some data (monographs and international grants) is verified collaboratively with POB.
** POB data: this concerns indicators whose values are calculated on the basis of data collected by POB for IDUB.


  1. Announcement of the Minister of Science and Higher Education about the first competition under the “Excellence Initiative – Research University” programme (in Polish)
  2. Ordinance no. 115 of the Rector of the University of Warsaw on the implementation of “Excellence Initiative – Research University” at the University of Warsaw (in Polish)
  3. Names of organisational units of the University of Warsaw and names of organisational units of the University of Warsaw in English (in Polish)
  4. Sources of data: