Art and Science as Ways of Knowing and Experiencing the World: Creativity, Abstraction and Learning

28 09 2022
Category: Events, I.3.5, Results
Centre Q (Research on Culture, Language, and Mind) jointly with HILL (Human Interactivity and Language Lab) invite you to a conference to be held on 27-30 October 2022 in Zakopane.
The aim of the conference “11th Peripatetic Conference: Art and Science as Ways of Knowing and Experiencing the World: Creativity, Abstraction and Learning” is to look at the experiences and practices of artists and scientists in their respective fields, in order to establish whether they reflect similar or dissimilar processes. Over the years there have been attempts (mainly in the literature devoted to creativity research) to argue that they are largely similar courses of action in a creative process of discovery, while many have also claimed that they are essentially distinct ways of epistemic relating to the world that cannot communicate with each other. On the one hand, in both art and science, there is a clear process of cultivation of skills and proficiencies: authors, musicians, painters create but also reflect on and revise their reflections, a procedure that resembles the honing of scientific hypotheses. On the other hand, there exists a strong consensus that art is somehow an expression of emotion and sensory experience (aesthesis), while scientific research is assumed to aim at truth and express some kind of objective description of the world.
Among the questions that we suggest can be discussed are:
- How are the process and product of creation in both art and science comparable?
- What is the ontological status of the end result?
- What are the similarities and differences in the social engagements leading to works of art and science?
- To what an extent are they individually or socially construed?