Fund for the Renovation and Development of Research Infrastructure

10 11 2020
Category: Calls for proposals, I.4.2
As part of the call that was announced on the 9 November 2020, funding is available for increasing the impact of academic research at the University of Warsaw on the scientific world, through the balanced development of research infrastructure at the University.
The call will be open until 13 December 2020, and all employees of the University of Warsaw are eligible to take part. The objective is to select projects for purchasing or creating research infrastructure (and putting it into service), which will increase the research potential of the University of Warsaw in the long term. Co-financing from Programme funds for an individual project should not exceed 70% of the total investment, and may amount to a maximum of 500,000 PLN.
The disbursement of allocated funds should begin within 12 months of the date of the decision to finance the project; the project must be completed no later than 28 February 2023.