New Ideas (Nowe Idee) – announcing pilot competitions as part of the IDUB Programme

31 12 2020
Category: New Ideas
The first pilot competitions under the unifying name “New Ideas” will be announced by the end of February 2021.
The “Excellence Initiative – Research University” (IDUB) programme gives the University of Warsaw the opportunity to improve the quality of its scientific research and teaching programmes, which effectively raises the international significance of the University’s activities.
The competitions will be organised by the Priority Research Areas (POB) and will be addressed to employees of the University of Warsaw, who are part of the “N” (research) staff, and who are planning to carry out research endeavours that fall under the IDUB Programme’s Priority Research Areas. Each project should lead to the fulfilment of the objectives and indicators of the Programme. Five competitions will be organised, in accordance with each of the Priority Research Areas (POB).
The available funding for the first edition of the competition amounts to 3 million PLN, in all. The anticipated minimum value of each project is 30,000 PLN. The maximum funding period for research activities is 24 months; the projects will be subject to financial and substantive settlements.
Detailed information about the competitions and their documentation will be made available on: