Grants under Action I.3.9 – “Human mobility and inequalities as seen through digital datasources”

30 09 2021
Category: Calls for proposals, I.3.9
The main objective of Action I.3.9, under which a grant competition is being opened, is the creation of a research programme at the University of Warsaw that incorportates new types of data in innovative studies of determinants, and measurement of the effects of territorial mobility, social mobility and economic inequality.
The aim of the competition is to support research projects that are thematically related to Action I.3.9 “Human mobility and inequalities as seen through digital datasources” in POB (Priority Research Area) V, and which will contribute most significantly to the improvement of one or more IDUB indicators.
Researchers or teacher-researchers who hold at least a doctoral degree and who are part of the declared research staff (with the “N” employment category) may apply for funding for projects, in amounts ranging from 10,000 PLN to 40,000 PLN, in accordance with the objective of I.3. of the IDUB Programme “Support for the creation of research programmes and teams that will become future centres of excellence, including plans for their internationalisation”, and which will contribute to the achievement of at least one IDUB Programme indicator.
The call will be open until 24 November 2021.