Masterclass in Discourse Analysis

22 02 2023
We would like to invite you to the “Masterclass in Discourse Analysis”, led by Prof. Dariusz Galasinski from the University of Wrocław, which will take place on 21.03.2023.
Organised by the Centre of Excellence in Social Sciences, the workshop will focus on the main tenets of the constructionist approach to language/discourse and, in particular, the main assumptions behind perspective on Critical Discourse studies. This lecture-like session will be followed by a more interactive session in which I will discuss the three main functions of language (following the linguistics of Halliday), the ideational, the interpersonal and the textual functions. This will be exemplified by a variety of texts from various contexts, from political to medical. Finally, it will discuss visual component of critical discourse analysis, a socio-semiotic multimodal analysis proposed by Kress and van Leeuwen.
The “Masterclass in Discourse Analysis” will take place on 21.03.2023, 10.00-14.30 at the Centre for Excellence in Social Sciences, BUW (2nd floor, room 2.90).
The registration form, detailed workshop schedule and presenter information are available at the link
Registration will be open until 15.03.2023. (Places are limited and admission to the workshop will be decided on a first-come, first-served basis).