PCA accreditation for the Rock Strength Testing Laboratory (Laboratorium Badań Wytrzymałości Skał) at the Faculty of Geology

03 02 2023
On the 31st of January, 2023, the Polish Centre for Accreditation announced that on account of the very high evaluation of the substantive competence at the Laboratory of Rock Strength and its fulfilment of the formal requirements for accredited laboratories, PCA has granted accreditation to the Rock Strength Testing Laboratory at the Faculty of Geology UW without any reservations, for the three submitted test methodologies.
The evaluation team emphasised the very high competence of the staff and their extensive experience in conducting surveys. As well, the evaluators appreciated the well-developed procedure for handling rock material for testing. According to the decision by the PCA Accreditation Committee, as of 31 January this year, the laboratory, as an accredited entity, may use the symbol of the Polish Centre for Accreditation and signatories of the ILAC MRA multilateral agreements.
The accredited laboratory status results from a project concerning the establishment of new accredited research laboratories at UW, through quality management system implementation, in accordance with the PN-EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018-02 standard, thereby permanently increasing the research potential of the University of Warsaw as part of Action I.4.1 “Strengthening the core-facility potential on the Ochota Campus” under the “Excellence Initiative – Research University” Programme.