The fourth edition of the competition to promote research results

07 02 2023
Category: Calls for proposals, III.3.2
We would like to encourage you to submit applications to the fourth round of co-financing for projects whose results and their wider distribution will allow for greater visibility of the University of Warsaw, its employees, and their ongoing research.
There are two tracks for eligible projects under Action III.3.2 – “Promotion of scientific research in the public domain”, to popularise research results in the following forms:
- a lecture, presentation, or workshops – as part of the “W” competition, or
- an article, publication, book, podcast, blog, webpage, or other – in the “A” competition.
Funding from IDUB amounting to up to 20,000 PLN may be granted to employees as well as doctoral candidates at UW, who carried out research in the years 2019-2022 and obtained results from that work.
The call is open until 17.03.2023 at 4 p.m.