Conference of Centre Q – Cognitive Approaches to Art: A Reassessment of Results and Articulating New Possibilities

31 05 2023
“The Cognitive Futures of the Arts and Humanities” is part of a network of conferences that have taken place previously at the Universities of Durham, Oxford, New York, and others. It brings together scholars and scientists using interdisciplinary methods to study art and various cultural practices.
This year’s conference, entitled „Cognitive Approaches to Art: A Reassessment of Results and Articulating New Possibilities” will take place at the University of Warsaw between 12 and 16 July, 2023. Among the speakers will be: Ellen Dissanayake (University of Washington, Seattle), Merlin Donald (Queen’s University, Kingston), Ladislav Kesner (Masaryk University, Brno), Tomasz Kubikowski (Theatre Academy, Warsaw) oraz Alva Noe (University of California, Berkeley).
The conference is organised by Centre for Research on Culture, Language and Mind (under the Action I.3.5).