2nd call for proposals for grants under Action I.3.9 “Human mobility and inequalities as seen through digital datasources”

05 07 2023
Category: Calls for proposals, I.3.9
Supporting research projects aimed at setting up a research team whose research interests are thematically linked to Action I.3.9 is the main objective of the new competition.
The expected outcome of funded projects is an increase in the proportion of scientific articles published in journals in the upper decile of the world’s best-cited journals, including international collaborations, as well as an increase in the number of applications for research funding from external sources.
A total of 400,000 PLN is available for projects with a budget of no more than 65,000 PLN and a duration of no more than 18 months.
Applicants may be researchers employed at the University of Warsaw, holding at least a doctoral degree and counted as N. Groups of employees represented by a principal contractor are also invited to submit projects.
The call is open until 31.10.2023.