Opening of the Research Data Repository of the University of Warsaw

10 01 2024
Category: Events, I.3.6, Results
This Friday, 12.01.2024 the official presentation and opening of the UW Research Data Repository will take place.
The repository will be used to share via the Internet research data, such as tabular data, images, audiovisual materials and any other type of data produced, collected or described for the purpose of conducting scientific research. The application was developed by the Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computer Modelling (ICM) in cooperation with the UW CKC as part of the IDUB Program at the University of Warsaw.
The meeting will also include brief training on research data management, sharing and storage.
Please join us on Friday, January 12, 2024, 11:00 a.m. at the “Old BUW” building on the UW Central Campus, room 308.