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Green University of Warsaw (under the Action IV.3.1) – 2nd editon

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Call for competition

  • Name of the competition: Green University of Warsaw – 2nd edition (as part of the internal grant system at the University of Warsaw)
  • Objective: to select projects of an interdisciplinary nature which relate to modern research being carried out in the field of pro-environmental issues, related to activities for the protection of biodiversity, conserving natural resources, and shaping pro-ecological attitudes
  • Applicant: a) a research or research and didactic employee employed at the University of Warsaw with a doctoral degree, from which 7 years have not elapsed, counted as N-classified or an employee holding a master’s degree counted among the N-classified staff; b) a doctoral student of the University of Warsaw; c) a research team consisting of young scientists or employees employed at the University of Warsaw, holding at least a master’s degree, among N classified staff (the project manager must be employed at the University of Warsaw, have a doctoral degree, from which 7 years have not elapsed, and be counted among the N-classified staff)
  • Date of competition announcement: 27.04.2023
  • Start date for the call for proposals: 27.04.2023
  • Closing date for the call for proposals: 19.06.2023, 4:00 PM
  • Announcement of competition results: up to 05.07.2023
  • Project budget: do 10,000 PLN
  • How to apply: only electronically to the following address klimat@uw.edu.pl
Competition rulesResults

Competition rules of the “Green University of Warsaw”

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By the decision of the Programme Manager, the following applications received funding:

  • Title of the project: Jak odnaleźć się w labiryncie ulic i budynków: transport pyłku i ruch zapylaczy w mieście
    Applicant: mgr Barbara Płaskonka, Faculty of Biology
    Allocated funds: 10 000,00 PLN
  • Title of the project: Cechy fizyczno-chemiczne wód źródeł Skarpy Warszawskiej jako wskaźniki antropopresji
    Applicant: dr Maksym Łaszewski, Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies
    Allocated funds: 9 932,20 PLN
  • Title of the project: Wpływ komunikatów medialnych na zachowania prośrodowiskowe
    Applicant: mgr Maria Mirucka, Faculty of Psychology
    Allocated funds: 10 000,00 PLN
  • Title of the project: Mariaż Diany i Temidy: wykroczenia i przestępstwa przeciwko środowisku w parkach narodowych
    Applicant: dr Katarzyna Syroka-Marczewska, Faculty of Law and Administration
    Allocated funds: 10 000,00 PLN
  • Title of the project: Dawne i współczesne pejzaże dźwiękowe w literaturze dziecięcej i młodzieżowej – ekokrytyczne analizy i interpretacje w świetle ekologii akustycznej i edukacji ekologicznej
    Applicant: dr Maciej Skowera, Faculty of Polish Studies
    Allocated funds: 9 919,79 PLN