Funding received by more projects for the promotion of scientific research
19 05 2023
The 4th edition of the competition under Action III.3.2 “Promotion of scientific research in the public domain” has been completed. The IDUB Programme Manager has awarded funding to eighteen projects.
In the call that was open from 06.02-31.03.2023, 47 applications were received, including 17 in the “W” track – for funding of lectures, presentations, and workshops, and 30 in the “A” track – for subsidizing other forms of promotion and popularisation of research results (articles, publications, books, podcasts, blogs, and websites). All of the submitted applications were sent for substantive evaluation.
The submitted projects were evaluated in terms of four criteria:
- the degree of completion of the research intended for promotion;
- the completeness of the presented plan for the dissemination of the results; the fact that the activities envisaged in the project were directed beyond the scientific community;
- the planned scope of the promotion (both its territorial coverage and in terms of the number of recipients);
- the adequacy of the planned expenditures in the presented dissemination plan.
The Selection Committee selected 15 applications for funding – 11 applications from track A of the competition, which is 37% of those submitted, and 7 applications from track W, which is 41% of those submitted. The applications indicated received the highest numbers of points. The cut-off threshold was the budget of the competition: 300,000.00 PLN.
The Selection Committee particularly valued the applications in which the applicants:
- justified the project presented scientific achievements, indicating the completion or advancement of the research to be promoted (scientific publications),
- demonstrated their preparation for the popularisation of science (previous experience in this field),
- described the results of the research planned for promotion in a way that is also understandable to non-specialists, avoiding complicated scientific terminology,
- indicated plans for additional activities that will allow the results of the project to continue even after its completion,
- described the method of promotion of the event(s) planned in the project,
- realistically indicated the possible range of promotion of the implemented project (both territorially and the number of recipients),
- justified (in detail) the expenses planned in the project.
In the end, the total amount allocated to the applications chosen for funding was 288,106.64 PLN.