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The Faculty of Archaeology has reactivated the blog Archeowieści.pl

Category: III.3.2, Results

The employees of the Faculty of Archaeology have decided to reactivate the blog archeowiesci.pl, and intend to popularise archaeology reliably, informally, and clearly.

The archeowiesci.pl blog was founded in June 2006 by Wojciech Pastuszka. For 10 years, the website was one of the most widely-read sources of information about archaeology on the Internet. After a long break in posting, the Faculty of Archaeology at the University of Warsaw has taken over the blog’s future.

The blog reactivation project received financial support under IDUB Action III.3.2 – “Promoting Scientific Research”. The initiator of the restoration of archeowiesci.pl, Dr hab. Arkadiusz Sołtysiak, applied for funding. Because of his own research interests, the blog will also include materials promoting bioarchaeological research in the Middle East.

The first entries have already appeared on the blog.
