A meeting to popularise the research of the group “Gender and Sexuality”

01 03 2022
Online meeting to popularise research “Talking Gender: Academic Activism, Innovative Research and Feminist Pedagogy” („Oswoić Gender: Naukowy aktywizm, innowacyjne badania i feministyczna dydaktyka”) takes place on 2.3.2022 at 17:30.
The discussion with the members of the group: dr. Karolina Krasuska, dr. Ludmiła Janion, Aleksandra Kamińska, MA, dr. Agnieszka Kotwasińska, dr. Anna Kurowicka, dr. Natalia Pamuła and dr. Marta Usiekniewicz will be hosted by Anna Piekutowska – a sociologist and a TOK FM journalist. At TOK FM she hosts “Niedzielny Poranek Radia TOK FM,” “Biuletyn Rewolucyjny” and “Szkoda czasu na złe seriale”.
The group was formed in early 2016 in order to facilitate cooperation between doctoral and advanced MA students working, studying at, and affiliated with the American Studies Center. Under Dr. Karolina Krasuska’s tutelage, the group has organized a number of seminars devoted to different research methodologies and research practices within the field of American cultural studies. The topics covered during these seminars include disability studies, girlhood studies, hauntology, gender variance in Poland, gender and militarism, female wartime reporting, and queer desires in American speculative fiction. Since 2016 the group has invited such eminent scholars as Prof. Andrea Peto, Prof. Mary Ann Doane, Prof. Jack Halberstam, and Prof. Ann Cvetkovich to deliver lectures and lead highly popular seminars. The research group offers BA, MA and PhD courses at the ASC and beyond, and has been collectively translating Judith Butler’s Bodies that Matter: On the Discursive Limits of Sex.
The Polish language podcast “Oswoić gender” [Talking Gender], which received funding in 2021 under Action III.3.2, disseminates the research projects conducted by the group members as well as by other ASC researchers.