First edition of the “Learning University” competition

23 06 2023
Category: Calls for proposals, V.3.1
In line with the idea of “lifelong learning”, in response to the growing involvement of employees in professional development, we have developed the “Learning University” competition.
1st edition of the competition is addressed to all persons employed at the University under a contract of employment/appointment – both academic teachers and administration, librarians, IT specialists, technicians and other vocational groups. Applicants may apply for co-financing of participation in part-time first-cycle, second-cycle or long-cycle master’s studies or postgraduate studies, (excluding MBA-type studies) conducted at the University of Warsaw.
The amount of co-financing in the competition is 75% of the total cost of participation in the studies.
Detailed conditions of participation are described in the Rules of the 1st edition of the “Learning University” competition: