III.3.1. Scholarships for Olympians – edition 2020
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Regulations for awarding IDUB scholarships
The regulations for Action III.3.1 – “Scholarships for Olympians”, which are part of the “Initiative of Excellence – Research University” Programme at the University of Warsaw have been defined pursuant to § 36 Section 1 of the Statute of the University of Warsaw and in conjunction with the IDUB Agreement No. 01/IDUB/2019/94 from 16 December 2019. Action III.3.1 – “Scholarships for Olympians” will be implemented in the years 2020-2025.
§ 1
The Regulations define the procedure for awarding scholarships under Action III.3.1 – “Scholarships for Olympians” (hereafter referred to as “the Action”), implemented under the “Excellence Initiative – Research University” Programme at the University of Warsaw (hereafter referred to as “the Programme” or “IDUB”).
§ 2
- 1. IDUB scholarships may be awarded to first-year students of integrated BA/MA degree studies at the University of Warsaw (hereafter: “the scholarship holder”), who has undertaken studies at the University of Warsaw in the year of obtaining a Secondary School Leaving Certificate and is:
- a laureate (winner) of a national thematic Olympiad, or
- a participant in an international Olympiad
— as specified in Annex 1 to the Regulations.
- No scholarships shall be awarded during the academic year 2020/2021 for the national Olympiads referred to in section 1, subsection 1.
- If an international Olympiad has not taken place during a given academic year, a certificate issued by a national Olympiad organiser confirming the applicant’s qualification to represent Poland at an international Olympiad, will be accepted for consideration.
§ 3
- A student applying for an IDUB scholarship is obliged to:
- sign a contract, in accordance with the model specified in Annex 2 to these Regulations;
- submit the original (or a certified copy) of one’s diploma or certificate, issued by the authorities of the relevant Olympiad;
- submit a certificate of student status, issued by the relevant organisational unit at the University of Warsaw;
- submit a statement of having read and agreed to the information on data processing, constituting Annex 3 to these Regulations.
- The documents referred to in section 1, subsections 1 to 4 shall be submitted by the student applicant to the Secretariate of the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics of the University of Warsaw by 30 December. In justified cases, documents may be submitted electronically.
§ 4
- The scholarship is granted for the duration of the academic year, i.e., from 1 October to 30 September, and is paid in two instalments – the first being paid at the end of the winter semester, and the second at the end of the spring semester.
- The scholarship payment shall be made to the bank account indicated by the scholarship holder in the agreement constituting Appendix 2 to these Regulations.
- The scholarship for the winner of a national Olympiad is 1,000 (one thousand) PLN per month, gross.
- The scholarship for an international Olympiad participant is PLN 2,000 (two thousand) PLN per month, gross.
- 5. A given scholarship holder may receive only one scholarship.
§ 5
- 1. Action III.3.1 – “Scholarships for Olympians”, including the funds for scholarship recipients, is managed by a Coordinator, who is appointed by the Programme Manager.
- The Coordinator
- shall establish the list of Olympic Games referred to in § 2 section 1, in consultation with the Vice-Rector for Students and Quality of Teaching and the heads of organisational units of the University of Warsaw;
- draws up a list of applicants who are eligible for the scholarship and submits it to the Programme Manager for approval. The Programme Manager approves the list in consultation with the Vice-Rector for Students and Quality of Teaching;
- After the list of eligible applicants for the scholarship has been approved by the Programme Manager, the scholarship recipients are notified about the award.
§ 6
The scholarship holder forfeits the right to receive the scholarship in the event of:
- the violation of the good reputation of the University of Warsaw, in particular compromising ethical principles in science;
- the suspension of student rights through a final decision by the disciplinary committee;
- removal from the list of students during the academic year in which the grant is to be paid
– counted from the month following the occurrence of the above-named circumstances.
§ 7
- 1. In case of a suspected violation of the regulations by a scholarship holder, in particular stating false information in the agreement, the Action Coordinator may suspend payment of the scholarship during the time required to clarify the issue. If it is determined that there was no violation of the regulations by the scholarship holder, he or she will be compensated with the scholarship amount which was in suspension.
- If it is determined that a scholarship holder has infringed upon the rules of the regulations referred to in section 1, the Action Coordinator shall oblige the scholarship holder to return the collected scholarship, after setting an appropriate deadline.
- In the case of a scholarship received under false pretences, the scholarship holder is obliged to return the full amount of the scholarship, along with statutory interest, calculated from the date of awarding the scholarship.
§ 8
The scholarship holder has the right to withdraw from receiving the scholarship at any time.
§ 9
- The regulations apply from 1 October 2020 until the end of the Programme, or until the funds under the Action are depleted.
- The payment of scholarships is subject to the availability of funds under the Programme.
Annex 1. List of olimpiads
Name | Acronym / Organising body |
International Olympiads | |
International Mathematical Olympiad | IMO |
International Physics Olympiad | IPhO |
International Chemistry Olympiad | IChO |
International Olympiad in Informatics | IOI |
International Biology Olympiad | IBO |
International Philosophy Olympiad | IPO |
International Geography Olympiad | IGeo |
International Linguistics Olympiad | IOL |
International Earth Science Olympiad | IESO |
International Olympiad on Astronomy and Astrophysics; Global e-Competition on Astronomy and Astrophysics | IOAA and GeCAA |
European Physics Olympiad | EuPhO |
National thematic Olympiads | |
Olimpiada Matematyczna | Stowarzyszenie na rzecz Edukacji Matematycznej |
Olimpiada Języka Angielskiego | Wyższa Szkoła Języków Obcych w Poznaniu |
Olimpiada Informatyczna | Fundacja Rozwoju Informatyki w Warszawie (Foundation for Information Technology Developemt) |
Olimpiada Literatury i Języka Polskiego | Instytut Badań Literackich PAN (Institute of Literary Research) |
Olimpiada Języka Francuskiego | PROF-EUROPE Stowarzyszenie Nauczycieli Języka Francuskiego w Polsce |
Olimpiada Języka Białoruskiego | Uniwersytet Warszawski (Katedra Białorutenistyki) – Department of Belarusian Studies at the University of Warsaw |
Olimpiada Języka Niemieckiego | Wyższa Szkoła Języków Obcych w Poznaniu |
Olimpiada Języka Łacińskiego | Polskie Towarzystwo Filologiczne (Polish Philological Association) |
Olimpiada Języka Hiszpańskiego | Polskie Towarzystwo Neofilologiczne (Polish Association of Modern Languages – PTN) |
Olimpiada Języka Rosyjskiego | Uniwersytet Warszawski (the University of Warsaw) |
Olimpiada Biologiczna | Polskie Towarzystwo Przyrodników (Polish Copernicus Society of Naturalists) |
Olimpiada Chemiczna | Polskie Towarzystwo Chemiczne (Polish Chemical Society) |
Olimpiada Filozoficzna | Polskie Towarzystwo Filozoficzne w Warszawie (Polish Philosophical Society in Warsaw) |
Olimpiada Geograficzna | Polskie Towarzystwo Geograficzne (Polish Geographical Society) |
Olimpiada Fizyczna | Polskie Towarzystwo Fizyczne (Polish Physical Society) |
Olimpiada Artystyczna | Stowarzyszenie Przyjaciół Olimpiady Artystycznej |
Olimpiada Historyczna | Polskie Towarzystwo Historyczne (Polish Historical Society) |
Olimpiada Wiedzy o Polsce i Świecie Współczesnym | Uniwersytet Warszawski (the University of Warsaw) |
Annex 2. Agreement with the IDUB Scholarship Holder
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