IV.5.2. Programme for young female researchers and teachers – II competition
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Call for competition
- Name: Programme for young female researchers and teachers
- Objective: addressing the issue of loss of involvement among women during the development of their research careers at UW (including: a closer examination of the needs of young female researchers in terms of supporting the development of their careers, support for a group of young female researchers in the development of their scientific careers, testing tools and developing methodological and organisational solutions for future developmental programmes at UW); promoting the idea of the need to support the development of young talent in scientific fields at the University of Warsaw
- Applicant: female researcher who: is employed on a contract of employment at the University of Warsaw; holds a doctoral degree after which no more than 7 years have elapsed (with the exceptions of the conditions described in the “Rules”); is included in the N-number of employees; may actively take part in the activities provided for in the Programme
- Competition announcement date: 10.10.2023
- Starting date of the call for applications: 10.10.2023
- End date of the call for applications:
07.11.202314.11.2023 12:00 - Form of submitting applications: only in electronic form, to the address badacze_i_badaczki.szkolenia@uw.edu.pl
W przypadku wątpliwości rozstrzygające jest polskie brzmienie zasad i załączników.
In any doubt, the Polish wording of the rules and annexes shall prevail.
Rules of the 2nd competition in Action IV.5.2 “Programme for young female researchers and teachers”
Can a female researcher take part in the Programme during an academic leave of absence?
A female researcher who is on an academic leave of absence may apply to the programme; the developmental activities which are carried out in the Programme (in accordance with the Description of the programme in Section 2) are not work tasks (completing work-related tasks).
In accordance with labour law, it is necessary to forego an academic leave of absence in the event of circumstances which do not permit the leave to be used in accordance with its purpose, e.g., a temporary inability to work due to illness, maternity leave, or the necessity to complete work responsibilities.
What should be written in the application form in the first table in part B, “Title of implemented research in which the candidate took part or is taking part (if financed with external funds awarded by other financing institutions; if IDUB, please specify”?
The table shows the applicant’s research activities. It is necessary to include all of the projects in which the researcher has participated (or is currently participating) in the specified capacity.
Funding for some of the research projects may have been obtained by the researcher herself; in that case, information on that subject will again be included in the second table.
What should be written in the application form, part B, in the second table “List of submitted grant applications for research/obtaining funding for research from other sources”?
The table shows the activities of the researcher in obtaining funding. Only applications initiated by the researcher herself should be included.
Can I include applications which have been submitted but that have not yet been approved in the second table “List of submitted grant applications for research/obtaining funding for research from other sources” in part B of the application form?
Yes, the applications may include those which have not yet been approved. In the “Result” column, you should write “Unapproved” (Note: that option has not been included in the form).
How should I proceed regarding the requirements for the application to Action IV.5.2 within IDUB? I completed my PhD in …., Germany. The thesis reviews are considered confidential there, so they cannot provide them to me directly (see email below).
In a situation where, at the institution awarding the doctoral degree, the content of the dissertation review is not made available to the author of the dissertation, we recommend applying the solution described in Art. 7, section 3, point 2 of the competition rules for a similar situation, i.e. obtaining a doctoral degree at an institution that does not require a review of the dissertation. You should then attach an explanation to your application. It will also be helpful if you include the message you received from the university.
Please note that, alternatively, a review of the candidate’s chosen publication is allowed to be attached to the application.
Can a female researcher whose work agreement with UW expires during the programme period (for instance in 2024) apply to take part?
Pursuant to section 6 para. 3 point 1 of the Rules for the 1st competition, the researcher should be employed at the time of submitting an application form.
Pursuant to section 6 para. 4, the condition for participation in the Programme is remaining employed at UW throughout the entire period, from the date of submitting the application to the completion, which is affirmed in section 2 para. 3 point 3, which refers to loss of employment at UW among the reasons for ending one’s participation in the programme.
Simultaneously, the rules foresee a simplified procedure for restoring participation in the Programme (section 6 para. 5) in case of a participant’s loss of employment at UW.
Can the mentor in the programme be chosen by the researcher?
Pursuant to section 3 para. 1 point 2, the mentor will be chosen for the researchers by the organiser from among experienced employees of UW. Although there are plans to gather information from the participants concerning their preferences, there is no possibility of guaranteeing all of the participants’ expectations, including choices of particular people.
I would like to include a bibliography (in the research description, various publications are mentioned). Can an additional section be included in the application? Of course, I will not be able fit it within the two-page limit given for the project description; it would be an additional page that only contains a bibliography.
The application form does not provide any space for a bibliography. The candidate may not add her own section to the document templates provided in the competition announcement.
Can the documents in the application under the “Programme for Young Female Researchers and Didactics” be signed electronically?
Yes, documents can be signed with a qualified signature if the signatory has one.
I do not actually have a review of the doctorate. I do, however, have reviews of a grant … that I received from … … ago. Perhaps I could submit alternatively (instead of a publication review) reviews of the grant?
Given that the rules clearly indicate which reviews will be taken into account, it is difficult to determine whether the document you are writing about will be taken into account by the Programme Board. If you decide to include this document, please include the required explanation at the same time.
I am currently combining part-time employment with parental leave. Should this period be excluded from the period of 7 years from the doctoral degree under para. 6(3)(2) of the Competition Rules II?
Yes, the competition rules in the paragraph mentioned mention the possibility of excluding from the 7-year period a period of 12 months for each born or adopted child, without attaching additional conditions to this exclusion.
I have a question about the Individual Research Plan (IPB), which is Annex No. 3 to the Rules of the 1st Call for Proposals in Action IV.5.2. “Programme for young female researchers and teachers”. For the past 8 months I have been implementing an NCN Sonata grant in which I am the project manager. Can the IPB overlap with the research plan I am following in the NCN grant?
Yes, as much as possible, just pay attention to the timeframe. In the Individual Research Plan, we ask for a plan within the next 24 months.
What is meant by “Labour Code” and “if applicable” in the Application Form?
Please note that this is simply a continuation of the preceding text, which may (depending on your printer settings) show up on a separate line when printed. “Labour Code” is the name of the law to which we refer, while the notation “if applicable” means that researchers who have not been on the listed leaves during the period since obtaining their doctoral degree do not fill in this field.
From what period should achievements be presented (how far back). I have not found an answer in the documents.
There is no time limit.
Could I write my application and motivation letter in Polish and my individual research plan in English?
Yes, of course, the application can be in both Polish and English.
In the Individual Research Plan in the Milestones section, should I limit myself to 5 points or can I add more?
It can add more points.
I have a question regarding the need to include a dissertation review. Due to the fact that I was defending under transitional rules, I received three official reviews. Should I therefore include all of them or one selected one in my application?
Only one review can be attached to an application
I would like to ask about how to fill in the form - are there any guidelines on what is and is not, for example, a research milestone? in the humanities this issue looks a bit different than in the natural sciences.
No such guidelines are available
In the case of past research activities, should only the three most important/last activities be indicated in the application form, or can these tables be expanded to include further items?
The table can be expanded to include further items.
I would like to ask if a teaching staff member can also take part in this competition? I am not part of the N-researcher group.
If you are not assigned to the N-researchers group, then unfortunately you cannot take part in the competition.
I would like to ask about the individual research plan opinion - what form should it take? I don't see a place for it in the attached form - should it be a short opinion and signature of e.g. the head of my establishment handwritten on the form?
In the 2nd edition of the competition, an opinion on the Individual Research Plan is not required.
- prof. dr hab. E. Bulska, Biological and Chemical Research Centre – chairperson
- prof. dr hab. P. Kulesza, Faculty of Chemistry
- prof. dr hab. J. Sujecka-Zając, Faculty of Modern Languages
- dr hab. M. Wrzosek, prof. ucz, Faculty of Biology
- dr hab. J. Choińska-Mika, prof. ucz, Faculty of History
- dr hab. K. Imbir, prof. ucz, Faculty of Psychology
- dr K. Łudzińska, Faculty of Management
- mgr J. Wąsowska, Human Resources Office – Action IV.5.2 Coordinator
By decision of the Programme Manager, the following applicants were shortlisted for the 1st edition of the “Programme for young female researchers and teachers”:
- dr Karczewska Natalia, Faculty of Philosophy
- dr Chyla Julia, Faculty of Archeology
- dr Porzeżyńska Magdalena, Faculty of Law and Administration
- dr Dwużnik-Szarek Dorota, Faculty of Biology
- dr Łuniewska-Etentowska Magdalena, Faculty of Psychology
- dr Hubkowska-Kosińska Katarzyna, Faculty of Chemistry
- dr Brzozowicz Magdalena, Faculty of Economic Sciences
- dr Pomierny-Wąsińska Anna, Faculty of History
- dr Deptuła Agata, Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology
- dr Muszyńska Karolina, Faculty of Psychology
- dr Czapnik-Jurak Marta, Faculty of Applied Social Sciences and Resocialisation
- dr Dynak Agnieszka, Faculty of Psychology
- dr Krzyżanowska Magdalena, Faculty of Polish Studies
- dr Spurgjasz Katarzyna, Faculty of Culture and Arts
- dr Potoczek Anna, Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computer Modelling
- dr Pusz Małgorzata, Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies
- dr Mąkowska Joanna, Institute of the Americas and Europe
- dr Kaniewska Klaudia, Faculty of Chemistry
- dr Lipińska-Zubrycka Lidia, Faculty of Biology
- dr Majczyk Julita, Faculty of Management