We would like to invite all academic teacher from the University of Warsaw and counted among the N-number of staff to apply under the next call for co-financing of research ...
We would like to invite all academic teacher from the University of Warsaw and counted among the N-number of staff to apply for co-financing of research projects as part of ...
We invite you to a workshop “Recent Advances in Kinetic Theory and Fluid Dynamics Models” in honour of Claude Bardos recognizing his significant contribution to the field of nonlinear Partial ...
The Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics invites you to submit applications for the implementation of microgrant projects, as part of Action I.1.5. (more…)
The Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics invites you to submit applications for the implementation of projects under the Thematic Research Programmes in Action I.1.5. (more…)
We would like to invite N-classified, academic teacher-researchers from UW to apply for co-financing of research projects as part of Action I.1.5. “Thematic Research Programmes”. (more…)