Schedule of calls in 2020, as part of the IDUB activities

10 06 2020
Category: Calls for proposals, I.1.1/IV.1.1, I.1.3, I.1.4/IV.2.1, II.1.1, II.1.2, II.4.1, III.2.1, III.3.2, IV.1.3, IV.2.1, IV.2.2, IV.2.3, IV.4.1, IV.5.2, packages, VI.1
A timetable of calls is now available for the competitions that will be launched by the end of 2020, as part of the activities under the “Excellence Initiative”.
June 2020
Action II.1.1 Mini-grant programme for interinstitutional research teams in the framework of strategic partnerships
The purpose of this project is to strengthen academic and research cooperation between the University of Warsaw and other institutions within the 4EU+ Alliance, as well as other strategic partnerships.
Mini-grants will be available for research teams comprised of researchers from the University of Warsaw and from at least one university with which the University of Warsaw co-operates intensely in a particular field of research. Within one year of receiving a mini-grant, a team will be eligible for further support if its members submit an application for a grant to one of the competitions held under EU research programmes, or other programmes for financing scientifically advanced research projects, implemented within the framework of international consortia.
The first call for this activity will be opened on 15 June and will concern cooperation under the 4EU+ Alliance. For this call it is necessary to establish a research team composed of at least three universities belonging to the Alliance, including the University of Warsaw.
Two calls for competitions are planned per year as part of this action.
Action III.3.2 Promotion of scientific research
The implementation of this project will enable an increase in the scale of promotion of the results of scientific research by University of Warsaw employees. The projects consolidated under this initiative will include, among other things, the organization of specially-prepared lectures, lessons and shows addressed to a variety of social groups; information in Polish and English on the scientific achievements of UW employees will be placed on popular scientific portals, and a promotional campaign will be created in the form of interviews and announcements in the Polish and English language press. It will also be possible to obtain funds for the organization of thematic scientific conferences with the participation of foreign guests, devoted to the scientific achievements of outstanding scientists from the University of Warsaw.
Two competitions are planned under this action per year.
August 2020
Action IV.4.1 A comprehensive support programme for doctoral candidates at the University of Warsaw – implemented in agreement with the student governments of doctoral candidates
The action is intended for doctoral candidates and of doctoral schools. Its main goal is to support doctoral students during the preparation of their dissertations and in the dissemination of their research results, for instance through publications in internationally recognised journals and renowned publishing houses. As part of this activity, a special study path will be available for PhD students planning to conduct research within one of the five Priority Research Areas (POB). Qualified persons in doctoral studies programs or in doctoral schools will receive special supplements to their scholarships and will implement elements of the study program which are related to the POB.
Four calls for competitions are planned as part of this action per year.
Action VI.1 Strengthening and developing cooperation between the University of Warsaw and the Medical University of Warsaw in the federalisation process
The aim of this activity is to support cooperation between academic and teaching staff, administrative staff, doctoral candidates, and the student bodies of both universities. The projects which may be financed include the development of joint research projects, sharing research and teaching infrastructure, broadening cooperation between the Incubators, creation of joint fields of study, and doctoral and student initiatives.
Two competitions are planned under this action per year.
Action I.1.4 The implementation of a funding programme for projects submitted in competitions for MSCA Individual Mobility Grants, under the EC “Seal of Excellence” initiative
The implementation of this activity will ensure the execution of research projects which have been highly regarded for their scientific excellence by independent experts – and selected by the EC – in the competition for Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships in the Horizon 2020 Programme (MSCA-IF), and in the future, in the Horizon Europe Programme. This will be an important signal to researchers from the University of Warsaw who are applying for MSCA-IF in EU competitions: the University supports the implementation of research projects which have been evaluated very highly in the international procedures but which have not obtained funding from the H2020 programme, due to financial constraints. In the event that a project is not eligible for EU funding but obtains at least 85% of the maximum number of points according to competition regulations and receives the so-called “Seal of Excellence” (SoE), it may be financed though funding from IDUB.
The financial part of this action will be launched in 2021, but researchers from the University of Warsaw who enter the competition for Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Mobility Grants in the H2020 Programme will be able to apply for funds for the implementation of projects with the SoE, starting in September of 2020.
IDUB will fund up to three projects per year.
September 2020
Action III.2.1 Fields of graduate study in Priority Research Areas (POB)
Within the framework of this activity, there are plans to create unique fields of study which are dedicated to the issues undertaken in the Priority Research Areas (POB). The main objective is to educate students who aspire to carry out scientific research in the future, both at the University of Warsaw and in other institutions. The studies would be of an interdisciplinary nature, combining subjects and methodology of various disciplines and scientific fields. From the very start of their education, students of these faculties would be included in the implementation of research projects being carried out within (and outside) the POB.
Two calls for competitions are planned for this activity during the entire IDUB Program. The second competition will take place in 2022.
Action IV.5.2 A programme for Young Researchers and Educators
Projects under this measure will address the loss of involvement during the development of women’s research and teaching careers (women make up only 1/3 of those in the highest positions at UW). Based on a diagnosis of the current situation, methodological and organisational solutions will be created for future development programmes at the University, in order to counteract the phenomenon of “wasted” potential among female researchers and teachers at particular stages in their academic careers. Researchers and teachers participating in the programme will receive financial support in planning and implementing an individualised professional development path.
Two competitions are planned for this activity throughout the entire IDUB Program. The second contest will take place in 2021. Each competition will select 15 young female researchers and teachers employed by the University of Warsaw.
Action I.1.1 / IV.1.1 Mentor Programme
The aim of this programme is to enable short stays at the University of Warsaw for outstanding, award-winning researchers, including Nobel Prize winners and Fields medallists. During the stays, the invited researchers will meet with scientific teams from their field, familiarise themselves with the research conducted in these teams, and give lectures. In addition, individual mentoring meetings can be arranged.
Applications for this activity are taken on a continual basis. The implementation of specific projects is based on an agreement between the researcher, the host institution, and the IDUB Program Manager.
October 2020
Action IV.1.3 “From the Diamond Grant to the ERC Grant” – creating individual plans for research career development
The purpose of this action is to ensure an individual approach to the career development of students, doctoral candidates, and academics at the University of Warsaw. It is crucial to enable harmonious career development by providing professional assistance with planning their individual paths as well as possible. The action will employ advisors for the development of career paths, who will help researchers identify missing or incomplete competences, advise them on the best instruments for financing scientific activities, or prepare an Individual Research Career Development Plan, taking into account the requirements for candidates for MSCA-IF scholarship or ERC grant holders.
It will also be possible to obtain support for the employment of workers with unique skills, the aim of which will be to support doctoral candidates and researchers in publishing their work in prestigious scientific journals and publications.
Two calls for competitions are planned as part of this action per year.
Action IV.2.3 Mobility of Students and PhD Students – implementation in agreement with doctoral and student governments
The main objective of this activity will be to accept students and doctoral candidates from other domestic and foreign centres, for the duration of specific research tasks, and also to support research trips taken by students and doctoral candidates of the University of Warsaw to leading research centres in Poland, and abroad. A scholarship programme will be created under the activity to cover the costs of accommodation and participation in research and teaching processes, for a period of 3-6 months. An additional effect of the activity will be the strengthening of cooperation between UW and selected domestic and foreign centres.
Two calls for competitions are planned per year as part of this action.
Action II.1.2 Establishing and strengthening cooperation with strategic partners
This action aims to establish and strengthen strategic partnerships with universities with a similar profile to that of the University of Warsaw. Strategic cooperation will consist of creating joint research teams, co-running research and teaching centres, and exchanging academic and administrative staff. Projects in conjunction with double and joint diplomas, including the training of doctoral candidates, will also be made possible.
Two calls for competitions are planned per year as part of this action.
Action II.4.1 The organisation of international congresses of global significance
The aim of the action is to organise unique international conferences and congresses at the University of Warsaw, for instance under the auspices of prestigious associations or networks that bring together outstanding scientists from various fields. The key issue in increasing the recognition of the University of Warsaw in the international arena, in addition to the results of research conducted at UW, is to reach the widest possible group of researchers, including acknowledged world leaders. It should also be assumed that the conference events will create opportunities for UW employees to establish new research cooperation.
One competition is planned per year as part of this action.
November 2020
Action I.1.3 Supporting researchers from abroad who are applying for prestigious joint research grants with the University of Warsaw
The aim of the measure is to support researchers from abroad who are planning to implement research projects at the University of Warsaw, e.g., under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships programme (MSCA-IF), or the European Research Council (ERC) grants in the Horizon Europe programme. As part of its activities, the University of Warsaw will offer support in the preparation of joint applications, and administrative assistance in the early stage of application.
Two calls for competitions are planned per year as part of this action.
Action IV.2.1 Strengthening the research capacity of researchers, especially young researchers, to achieve scientific excellence
The process of gaining professional experience and scientific independence requires mobility and the implementation of research projects in prestigious foreign centres, especially in the first few years after completing a doctorate degree. This action will launch a scholarship programme related to various aspects of building the international prestige of researchers, by supporting the implementation of short-term and medium-term research internships, thereby increasing the potential for publication. The individual grants will include funds for returning after a stay abroad. The allocated funds will allow a young researcher to form his or her first research team at the University of Warsaw, after returning from an internship.
One competition is planned per year as part of this action.
Action IV.2.2 Integrating talented young scientists with research teams
Within the framework of the action, a scholarship programme for young researchers from outside the University of Warsaw will be created, the aim of which will be to cover the costs of their stay and participation in the research and teaching process for a period of 3-6 months, at one of the selected units of the University. This will enable the initiation of cooperation programmes between UW and selected national and foreign centres, contributing to strengthening the research activity and position of the University.
One competition is planned per year as part of this action.
December 2020
Competition for packages for new research teams
To simplify the bureaucratic procedures involved when implementing ideas that do not fit into a single action, the concept of project packages has been developed.
The packages will be able to cover selected projects from activities whose implementation has been planned at the University-wide level. In particular, these will include projects in the area of mobility (arrivals and departures), administrative support, the inclusion of young scientists – including doctoral candidates – in research teams, enlarging scientific teams through the inclusion of eminent researchers from other scientific centres, and support for publications.
The final list of activities from which the project packages can be drawn up will be announced in September 2020. The budget of one package will not be allowed to exceed PLN 700 000. By the end of 2020, five such packages will have been selected, and another five will be chosen in 2021.
The implementation of the packages will have to meet the objectives of the IDUB programme and show how to achieve the indicators set in the programme.
The packages can be implemented within one or several university units. Ideas covering several scientific disciplines will be preferred.
Two competitions are planned for this activity during the entire IDUB Program. The second competition will take place in 2021.
* * *
Information on project selection dates for subsequent IDUB activities not indicated in the schedule above will be published in September of this year. The current list of calls for competitions is available on the “Competitions” page.
Open meetings about the priority research area (POB) activities and opportunities to join them will be held between 15 June and 15 July 2020.